Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Family’s Day

Family’s Day

24 May 2016

An event of congratulation in the government institution “an orphanage for children with developmental disabilities”, was organized on 15 th of may 2016 year which was leaded by the teacher of the propaedeutics of internal diseases department Ashirbekova Bolatkul Zhuzbaevna and students of  3-009 group of the faculty of general medicine and stomatology of the specialty of “General medicine”.

We were greeted on the doorstep by children and educators of the orphanage. The most important purpose of this visit was a funny cheerful program dedicated to the family’s day.  Goal orientation of this event was to  learn children to cherish friendship, to show the meaning of the dream in life and to expand the imagination of children about kindness to each other.

During the program there were many funny games from fabulous clowns Shpuntik and Funtik, that made little hearts rejoice and be glad, and   songs, and dances.

Children literally found themselves in a fairy atmosphere and felt all that miracle, which went from our students.  They took  a part in many concourses and  got sweets as a prize.

The event was held in atmosphere of joy and funny loud of children. The delight in their eyes was very noticeable.

We wish children  to be healthy and success in studying and peace,  we want them to overcome all difficulties of life.

The faculty of general medicine and stomatology

 Specialty of “General medicine”

3-009 group



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