Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
We remember. We are proud!

We remember. We are proud!

13 May 2016

Great Victory day. What does mean this holiday for a modern generation? Ask yourself each time:«And do our children and grandchildren know anything about that frightful war in which we lost more than 20 million lives?». «People without memory are blind, and without a hope are dead» – folk wisdom says. Ten years passed already from the day of the Great Patriotic war ended, as the last shots of cannons are ceased, a silence and peace came on our earth.But there is memory still...Memory, which looks on us from old front pictures and those things which saved former front-line soldiers, from pictures on obelisks, does not give to grow dark not a single heroic page of history of victory over fascism.We are proud of glorious sons and daughters of our country, raiding fascists. In the day of Victory remember and honour their light memory. Their faith in justice lead to Victory in 1945. Its price is more than twenty million lives! Behind these  numbers are living thoughts, living human sorrows. As farther from us the years of these difficult years: so more courage is required, to remember about death of millions people in that war.

  There were 5 evacuation hospitals operated for insured of soviet warriors in the war-time:

  - evacuation hospital №3970/3971;

- evacuation hospital №3972;

 - evacuation hospital №1776;

- evacuation hospital №3414;

- evacuation hospital №3973.

There is an obelisk an on a grave 17 soviet warriors on the Saransk highway of Karaganda city, on the Mikhaylovsky cemetery. The modest monument with a memorial tablet is similar to many erected in the cities of our country. Soldiers which died of wounds in the combat hospitals of our city in the years of Great Patriotic war are buried here.Annually, in eve the holiday of Great Victory, the military department of the Karaganda state medical university conducts an action on the care of grave of warriors. This year was not an exception.On April, 23, 2016 teachers of military department with students of the 3 course conducted  clean up action on the ennoblement of Obelisk and monuments to the heroes of Soviet Union. A monument and adjoining territory was put in an order: stela of monument was washed-up fully, cleared from a last year's foliage and garbage, a fence is painted, borders and trees were whitewashed.In eve the leadthrough of measures, devoted Victory in Great Patriotic war on a memorial the mass meeting, devoted memory of the lost warriors was organized, with the laying-on of chaplets and colors.Students and teaching staff of the military department  of  KSMU, the head with the chief of military department, doctor of medical sciences, colonel of medical service A.M. Mukhametzhanov  were presented at the mass action. The minute of silence was declared at the beginning of the mass meeting, and after, participants laid memorable chaplets and living flowers to foundation of memorial. A. M. Mukhametzhanov, the chief of military department came forward with solemn words, d.m.n., colonel of whereupon read poems to students, he which they expressed all senses, devoted to the memory of immortal exploit of soviet people.

On May, 7 event measures, devoted to this holiday, passed at the military department. Day of defender of Homeland is celebrated in Kazakhstan. A sporting holiday was conducted and meeting with the veterans of Military Powers  was organized.Almost all students of the military department  took part in a relay race.The program of measures was ended by «round» table, where celebration in honour of veteran of Afghanistan war, escort of order passed «For merits before Motherland» of the III degree, senior teacher of military department, colonel of medical service retired of Baltynov Gabdulla Zaydanovich.

On the eve of celebration of Victory Day the employees of the military department visited the veterans of Great Patriotic war: medical assistant of mobile ambulance Kiseleva Anastasiya Nikolaevna and typist of staff  Popova Anna Ivanovna.Veterans told students about the war, how they went to the front.Boys, attentively hearing out veterans, wished them salubrity and give thanks for peaceful sky.

Measures are devoted to the Victory Day are not only the contribution of memory to the immortal exploit of soviet people in the war, but also are  trainings of civil-patriotic senses of rising generation pride and firmness of the people, training of love to Motherland and respect to the senior generation.

retiret lieutenant colonel

 Sh.sh. Babaev, teacher of discipline «Basic of Military training»



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