Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Independent work of students in the form of research projects using the principle RESEARCH - BASED LEARNING at the department of internal diseases №1 KSMU

Independent work of students in the form of research projects using the principle RESEARCH - BASED LEARNING at the department of internal diseases №1 KSMU

12 May 2016

Defense of research projects of the 4th year students of the “ Faculty  General Medicine and Dentistry”  using the principle of Research - based learning (RBL)was held at the department of internal diseases №1 on 28 April 2016

The main purpose of the event was to teach students to make and conduct scientific research independently  to promote the development of communication skills and teamwork skills, to develop public speaking skills.

Students of groups  4-100 of  Faculty “ General Medicine and Dentistry” presented 3 scientific project:

1) "Case sporadic variant flow seronegative spondyloarthropathies." Authors: A. Satiboldieva, Karzhauova A., B. Kulyasova, A. Bortyuk. After analyzing electronic data The Cochrane library database, the PubMed, the literature depth in 10 years, the authors of the project informed students on the joint during the ankylosing spondylitis (Scandinavian version) and psoriatic arthritis. This project is made on the basis of the Central Hospital of Temirtau, was  shown in the form of the presentation (Power Point) and poster presentation.

2) "Opportunities of  VGDS in different health facilities of Karaganda with the demonstration of clinical cases." Authors: A. Koishybayev, K.Turlubaeva. The participants evaluated the possibility of  VGDS 3 clinical bases of KSMU: Regional Medical Center, Consulting and Diagnostic Centre, Regional Clinical Hospital. The project is reported to a presentation with demonstration of clinical cases in the form of videos and photos.

3) "Evaluation of cognitive impairment in patients with cirrhosis of the liver." Authors: A. Polishchuk, E. Akhmetovа, S. Ayaganov, S. Kurbanbaev. The authors evaluated the severity of cognitive impairment in patients with liver cirrhosis using Reitan test scales MMSE, MOCA. The project was implemented on the basis of the Central Hospital of Temirtau. Results of the study are presented in the form of presentations, video and images of the primary material.

Associate Professor of the  Department of Internal Diseases №1, candidad Medical Sciences A.M Zhusupova was the main coordinator of our projects. She created the conditions for research activities.

Independent work of students using RBL principle taught us, to work with the medical and scientific literature, to determine the design, goals and objectives of the study, conduct research, process and analyze the results.

Students 4100 GM Group expressed gratitude for the opportunity to develop in such research to deputy incharge for clinical work  and continious  professional development  MD, Professor BN Kosherova, head of the department, Doctor of Medicine, Professor D.Zh. Taizhanova, MD, PhD, Associate Professor A.M. Zhusupova, head teacher of 4th year acting Professor AS Toleuova, associated professor. Zh.A. Beysenbekova, printing house of  KSMU.

A.Sotiboldieva, A.Koyshibaeva, students of the Faculty of GM Group 4-100.



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