Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Giving of the master-class “Special aspects of professional-oriented language teaching in high schools” by the department of foreign languages

Giving of the master-class “Special aspects of professional-oriented language teaching in high schools” by the department of foreign languages

03 May 2016

On 18th-22nd of April, there was a field-week not only for the department of foreign languages, which organized and gave the master-class “Special aspects of professional-oriented language teaching in high schools” for the first time in a long period of its existence, but also for 28 participants in the master-class, who had the opportunity to make acquaintance with actual themes for their professional activity, such as:

1. Active educational methods of professional-oriented language teaching.

2. Students’ scientific and research work within the framework of professional-oriented language. RBL – research-based learning. Framework of scientific and research categories and concepts.

3. The items in the test form in professional-oriented language teaching according to the method of V.S. Avanesov.

4. Training games in professional-oriented language teaching.

5. Mind-maps and their application in educational process.

The aim of the master-class was to give information connected with theoretical and practical aspects of professional-oriented language teaching in high schools with experience exchange in problems solving in this sphere.

Participants’ applause mails have confirmed the information richness of the master-class and its high organizational level:

“I would like to give thanks to master-class planners, which was devoted to special aspects of professional-oriented language teaching, and especially to the administration and the head of foreign languages department V.A. Burmistrova. At the master-class, I have received a store of knowledge, made acquaintance with new teaching methods of professional-oriented language. It must be noted that the master-class planners included into the program such relevant topics, as: the items in the test form, research-based learning, mind-mapping. I would like to wish your university well-being and success!” (Zh.N. Kuzar, Master, teacher of foreign languages department of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian national university)

“I have got much pleasure from the master-class given by the head of foreign languages department. During the seminar I have learned many useful things. I am planning the use of RBL-method for conducting my own practical classes. I would wish such master-classes and seminars to be given on an annual basis. Thanks a lot!” (Zh.K, Zhairbayeva, Master, teacher of Russian and foreign languages department of State medical university, Semey city)

“Dear Raushan Sultanovna! Let me thank you for organizing such a just-in-time master-class “Special aspects of professional-oriented language teaching in high schools”. As one of its participants, I have had a great chance to get to know active educational methods, as well as to see how these methods can be applied during the practical class conducted with RBL-method. I was especially interested in the issues concerning preparation of the items in the test form, use of games at professional-oriented language classes. I would like to wish your university and foreign languages department success in professional activity!” (Z.M. Baizhanova, Master, senior teacher of translation studies department of KazGUU university)

“We would like to give thanks for the master-class “Special aspects of professional-oriented language teaching in high schools” (18th-22nd April). Teaching staff of our department has received useful information concerning mind-mapping and its application in educational process, preparing the items in the test form according to the method of V.S. Avanesov. Tips for using active methods in high school have been valuable for us. Context and framework of the master-class are innovative and remarkable. Such actual issues as trinity of languages in high schools and others have been also discussed at the master-class. (Teaching staff of the Russian language department of KSMU)

Thus, to be sure, the aim of the master-class has been achieved; and numberless offers concerning on-site master-class giving (Uralsk, Astana, Kostanay) have confirmed relevance and practical importance of the discussed within the framework of the master-class topics.




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