Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Erudite of the XXI century.

Erudite of the XXI century.

29 April 2016

April 9 The Department for work with the youth in cooperation with the Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan organized intellectual quiz for students "Erudite of the XXI century" in KSMU.

A feature of this quiz was the selection of questions not only of medical topics, but also on general topics. The game took 12 participants, who were divided into 4 groups chosen by lot:

  "Erudite" (Eralі Umit, Baizakova Aziz, Nurushev Talgat);

  "Zhenіmpazdar" (Nazar Adіlhan, Asanbekov Asylkhan, Zholshybek Nurmahan);

  «Victory" (Eskendіr Daulet, Eskendіrov Nurzhan, Aslan Karimov);

  "Tulpar" (Turakhanov Armugan, Kenzhibaeva Aigerim, Omіrzak Eldos).

The ist round consisted of multiple-choice questions on topics of general. In the II round, while working in a group, the participants had to answer questions of specialized subjects. The most interesting turned the third round, where players had to exert all their imagination, logic and erudition, drawing a picture on the theme "Religion and historical heritage."

Intellectual quiz once again showed that KSMU students traditionally strong not only in matters of medicine, but also have a solid knowledge in all fields of knowledge.

  According to competent jury the guys from "Tulpar" found themselves as the most erudite. All members of the group were awarded diplomas of  the 1st degree with a honorary title "Erudite of the XXI century".

Mynbay N.3030 GM

The leader of the RNC ASA in KSMU,

N. Ganiev 3042 GM

The head of the sector.



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