Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Who Would Do It if We Do not

Who Would Do It if We Do not

29 April 2016

Four years ago during a joint session of the Veteran Board of our university with the rector, professor R.S. Dosmagambetova, an associate professor of Oncology M.B. Turgunov suggested to hold meetings of university veterans with the students that have been held up to now according to the schedule in all dormitories.

The purpose of these meetings is to learn about university organization history, development of such traditions as "Oath of Doctor" and "Adjuration of a first-year student",participation of students in development and achievements of moral support activities. Topics of profession specific features are surely arisen, interesting medical cases, disease prevention, healthy lifestyle are told by the one who holds a discussion.

Undoubtedly, the associate professor Meiram Baizrahmanovich having 51-year work experience at our university; he is a former active Komsomol member and has 24-year experience of  deanery's work and many years in the party committee, has that is why he has much to tell, to share and what to teach students.

Meiram Baizrahmanovich confesses that he visits these meetings with pleasure, tells about the first rector P.M. Pospelov, his huge investments to the public health and training of highly skilled doctors including his special attention in care training of local labour. P.M. Pospelov has a great merit in search and discovery of Zhosalinskaya chalybeate mineral water from Shalgiinskiy radon source.

M.B. Turgunov has always shared as a participant his stories about the construction of Karkaraly recreation area, the construction of the Medical instituteis gym in Erubaev str. He was an attestor of how the first flight of the man, the cityzen of the USSR, U.A. Gagarin to the space was accepted. He tells about his meeting with the cosmonaut V.A.Shatalov, his meetings with an academician, the first graduate of our institute T.S. Sharmanov, about his friend, the man of encyclopaedic knowledge, our graduate the academician Kulkubaev. With great warmth Meiram Baizrahmanovich remembers about pro-rectors G.A. Zhanaydarova and M.I.Dauletbekova because collective work with them gave the possibility to take their experience of work with students and teachers.

As Meiram Baizrahmanovich jokes the epopee of opening of Kazakhstan virgin land coincided with the time when he was a student, and he took part in harvesting of a milliard of poods of grain and further as a Komsomol leader organized students' trips to agricultural work. Therefore, he excitedly remembers communist community work days in the city's streets and birch grove in the park.

M.B. Turgunov is sure that these meetings render great educational role, especially for freshmen to introduce them  to the medical profession.

All working life of Meiram Baizrahmanovich has been going in our university and devoted training of skilled medical personnel. Naturally, that on the application of Karaganda regional department of health care he was included, as a participant in to Big International Encyclopedia of four countries 2016: Russia, Kazakhstan, Byelorus and Armenia under the themes "The best people", "The best in education" , that was published in January of 2016.

The head of the department of oncology
professor  Sirota V.B.



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