Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
RBL method within the framework of the lesson at the Foreign Languages Department

RBL method within the framework of the lesson at the Foreign Languages Department

27 April 2016

On April 19, the senior teacher of foreign languages department O.V. Kalinkina gave the model lesson using  RBL- method in  the 1-017th  group of the specialty "General Medicine"  on the theme «The City Life or the Village Life: which is the best?».

Within the framework of the model lesson such forms of the organization of students’ research work  were used as holding an opinion poll, data analysis, writing article summary, as well as an essay on a given topic.

Students’ active participation in the implementation of research activities, representative research data demonstrate students’ interest in the implementation of the lesson with the help of RBL- method. It was confirmed by the feedback, carried out at the end of the lesson.

It should be noted that within the framework of the lesson first-year -students not only gained the knowledge necessary to implement the different types of research activities, but also were able to consolidate their knowledge in practice.

The model lesson which was presented (given) with the help of the newest educational method from the aspect of humanitarian disciplines teaching was highly estimated by the workshop participants.  The master-class “Special aspects of professional oriented language teaching in high schools” was being conducted by the foreign languages department at the same time.

Also the positive feedback was given by the  invited guests: Deputy Head of General Medicine and Dentistry Department for the first-year-studentsI. B. Mukhtarova, the senior teacher of the department

“Microbiology” S.K. Bayguzhina, "General Practitioner» № 1 teaching assistant  N.S. Rukaber, and by the  colleagues of  Russian language Department .

We hope that the use of RBL – method in the framework of taught by Foreign Languages Department disciplines will take effect in the form of students’ solid knowledge and skills, which are necessary for the implementation of research activities.



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