Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Prevention of offenses.

Prevention of offenses.

27 April 2016

On the 8th of the April Department of Youth Affairs and Students Alliance of Kazakhstan in KSMU organized meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Railways of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate PD Karaganda in the  hostel №2 of KSMU. The meeting was devoted to the maintenance of internal law and order, as well as the prevention of road accidents among young people. There were discussed the problems of compliance order within the hostel, prevention of thefts of personal property of students and rules of the internal regulations of the University.

Students were explained that control of internal dormitory order is assigned to the chiefs of sections and VCP, as well as that in the case of an offense in a hostel, the students must first be made aware to chiefs of sections and the VCP, whose responsibilities in addition to monitoring includes the prevention of conflicts.

In turn, the representative of the office of the local police service of the Central Police Department of Internal Affairs of Karaganda, Police Major Azamat Mustafin Muratovich told the students about road accidents statistics in Karaganda for 2014-2015 years, most of the causes of the accident, on the amendments made in the rules of the road in 2015 and on the penalties for traffic violations. MT representative of the Central Internal Affairs of Karaganda  noted that 50% of all traffic accidents occur involving pedestrians, in this regard, have been considered the main causes of collisions with pedestrians and pedestrians behavior rules on the roadway.

During the meeting, students asked their questions on the topic of conversation. At the end of the meeting the students were shown a video aimed at the prevention of accidents.

Apsel Anar 2034 GMF



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