Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
«Anticorruption culture»

«Anticorruption culture»

18 April 2016

Corruption has a great scope today and already has touched all spheres of social life. Thus, anticorruption education of the society has to be an essential part of the moral and civil education of youth, as well as in the case of anticorruption culture formation, and for realization of the rights and duties to society.

On April 13, 2016, Karaganda state medical university held the meeting of students with head of the department on corruption prevention of the Department of the Ministry of the Civil Service of RK on Karaganda region Smagulov D.N. and Academic Dean of KSMU Molotov-Luchansky V.B.

Head of the department on corruption prevention presented the presentation to the students of our university, on «Base of anticorruption culture». Aim of the presentation was to help in understanding of anticorruption culture formation. The definitions of corruption, corruption risks in the sphere of education, anticorruption culture were defined at the meeting. The speech of D.N Smagulov was listened to the students with the great interest, during this meeting our students received answers to the questions asked related to the corruptions actions, internal regulations of state services, present anticorruption legislation. Thus, D.N. Smagulov has told about services quality, on what the attention should be paid while receiving the state service.

At the end of the meeting to improve collaboration in the future corruption prevention and the quality of public services, D.N. Smagulov recalled that the Department of the Ministry of Civil Service Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Karaganda region is ready to receive a variety of information and even provide advice on social networks.

The fight against corruption is a priority for the state and its citizens. We, the young people of Kazakhstan have to fight against corruption, for the prosperity of our country.

А.М. Akhmetova (Legal Counsel of the legal department of KSMU)



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