Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Implementation of healthy nutrition programs among youth in Karaganda

Implementation of healthy nutrition programs among youth in Karaganda

11 April 2016

Basic approaches of healthy food culture reflected in government regulations to optimize the nutrition of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Background Documents state that the formation of healthy eating culture should start from the earliest stages of the child's learning at school and continue throughout all the years of study, taking into account age features. Comprehensive and systematic work is most effective in building a culture healthy nutrition, when the foundations of hygiene and diet are formed gradually; the idea of useful products and wholesome food is given.

Nutrition is one of the most important factors determining the health of the population. Good nutrition ensures normal growth and development, contributes to the prevention of disease, prolong life of people, increase efficiency and create conditions for adequate adaptation to the environment.

Health of young people in any society, in any economic and political conditions is an actual problem and a subject of high priority, because this factor determines the future of the country, the nation's gene pool, is one of the important indicators of the country's development.

In 2015, for the implementation of socially important «Formation of skills in the population of healthy nutrition and food safety» projects of The Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Highly qualified trainers team was formed by Association of Nutritionists and Dietitians and staff of the Nutrition Hygiene Subdepartment of the Nutrition Hygiene, General Hygiene and Ecology Department of Karaganda State Medical University, they are S. P. Teryokhin, Professor, Head of the Nutrition hygiene, General hygiene and Ecology Department, S. V. Akhmetova, Professor of the Department, D. K. Nazar, Master of Medicine, senior teacherand I. A.Bobreshova, certified dietitian.

The target audiences were 6-7 grades students, students of universities and secondary specialized educational institutions and youth labor groups of enterprises and institutions of Karaganda.

Lectures about principles of healthy nutrition, prevention of obesity, diabetes, cancer, iron deficiency anemia and other micronutrient deficiencies using proper nutrition were read by experts. All participants of the training expressed keen interest in the issue healthy nutrition, emphasizing the relevance of the work. Trainings attracted interest from students of Karaganda Technical University, which was struck by a lecturer-professor S. P. Teryokhin with their knowledge of the constituent principles of healthy nutrition. The students showed great interest in nutrition issues, product quality, new and «trendy» theories and concepts of the nutrition. The meeting was held in not only free, but also very active and constructive atmosphere.

The experience gained during implementation of the project on formation of skills in the population healthy nutrition indicates that the project is highly relevant, in demand among the population, and requires a serious long-term extension.

S. V. Akhmetova, Professor of nutrition hygiene, general hygiene and ecology Department, KSMU.



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