Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Bronze Olympics.

Bronze Olympics.

24 March 2016

Games for the awards of the Akim of region are called " Students Olympics ".

Every year the teams of Karaganda universities meet at the sports arenas that in an honest and uncompromising fight to defend the sport honor of their «alma mater». This year the tournament was held for the 10th time.

        The main aim of the Regional Olympics the involvement of students in sports training , promotion of healthy lifestyles and patriotic education of youth .

        The Games participants compete in 13 types of sport: basketball, table tennis , chess, checkers , futsal, togyzkumalak , asyk atu , volleyball , winter all-around, speed skating , kazakh kures , skiing and track-and-fields athletics . 

        Sportsmen of KSMU is traditionally considered one of the strongest in the region. Our team regularly becomes the prize winner of the regional and republican competitions.

        According to the results of X Olympics for the awards of the Akim of Karaganda region the team of KarSU became the winner of Olympics, the silver medal was taken by the team of  KSTU and the bronze medal was taken by the team of KSMU.

The table of X Olympics for the awards of the Akim of Karaganda region. 27.02 – 05.03.2016.

Sport club of KSMU.



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