Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Сelebration of «Nauryz meiramy» at the department of public health

Сelebration of «Nauryz meiramy» at the department of public health

18 March 2016

On March 16th at 10.00" at the Department of Public Health at 36, Gogol str., in the room № 111was celebrated "Наурыз мейрамы». It has been held a theatrical performance with the participation of students of 5 course of "Public Health" specialty and by showing the national customs and traditions of Kazakh people such as

«Айтыс»,«Асық ойнау», «Қонақты қарсы алу», «Қазақша күрес», «Көрісу». Besides,all guests have tasted the traditional "Наурыз көже" and have been entretained with splendid folk dances and dombra playing. The celebration was concluded with a dance flash mob where all guests and participants were honored to participate in.



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