Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The convincing victory of KSMU team.

The convincing victory of KSMU team.

15 March 2016

 Organization of  tournaments stimulate creative growth of the knowledge and skills of students - one of important directions for the Department of youth affairs.

      On March 6, debate tournament dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan was held in the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after B.Beysenov.

     The tournament has been held for several years .  Last game took place a few months ago and caused great interest among the students. The opportunity to compete in the ability to logical arguments and convincingly prove his point of view - makes the tournament so popular among students. Debate helps students to develop their communication skills which will very useful in life.

      Tournament jury consisting of students showed a high level of training called winners. Once again, the tournament has confirmed the high level of KSMU students’ academic achievements :

      III place(APD)Russian league: Sabine Hoffmann (2-054 GM) and Azamat Kasymov(1-004 Stom) ;

       I place (APD) Kazakh league: Ulzhan Zarlykova ( 3-037 GM ) and Adilet Askarov ( 2-029 GM ) .

In addition, Judge of KSMU had confirmed their high qualification. Tournament organizers have recognized the winner in the nomination " The best judge " : Zhaybagysova Nadir ( 2-001 Pharm )  Debate club "Namys"(Kazakh League) and Fissenko Igor (3-056 GM) Debate club "INSIGHT"            ( Russian league) .

           We congratulate our students and wish them further success in learning and life !

                                                                 I.Fisenko (3-056 GM)

                                                           Head of debate club “Insight”.



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