Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
"You are not alone"

"You are not alone"

14 January 2016

"The nationwide movement "Kazakhstan-2050" was created on 6 December 2013. The idea of its creation belongs to the President of the Republic - Nursultan Nazarbayev.

On 28.06.2014, the First Forum of National movement "Kazakhstan-2050" was launched in Astana in the building of KAZGYuU. The forum was attended by delegates from different professions from all regions of the country, including employees of our University. The main purpose of the event was consolidation of citizens in the implementation of the "Strategy Kazakhstan-2050".

The nationwide movement "Kazakhstan-2050" focuses its activities at three key areas: First, the involvement of society in values, ideology and objectives of the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050". The second is to develop concrete proposals and recommendations aimed at improving the effectiveness of the implementation of the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050". Third is ensuring the civil monitoring of the effectiveness of the implementation of the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050", i.e. the movement is open to every citizen of Kazakhstan, who share his values and ideology that support the political course of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Nursultan Nazarbayev and ready to accept personal involvement in achieving the goals set out in the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050.

Karaganda state medical University (KSMU) proposed 4 projects for implementation of the Nationwide movement "Kazakhstan - 2050". The first is the preparation and publication of literature "Actual questions of HIV infection". The second is "About perpetuating of names of outstanding scientists, teachers, honored workers who have made significant contributions to science and the development of future generations". The third is "free online consultation". Fourth is “You are not alone”.

To date, the project is implemented "You are not alone".

The purpose of this project is to promote and develop interest of children-orphans, children with disabilities living in orphanages, boarding schools for the life in the town, province and country, the development of creative capacity by the formation of a creative personality, educated in the spirit of patriotism and continued support of this potential through the involvement of student volunteers.

On 26.12.2015 year, festive event in the framework of the National movement "Kazakhstan-2050" was held in Karaganda Regional orphanage for children with disabilities. 2nd year students of General medicine faculty and the Department of immunology and Allergology participated in the work.

As we know, these children need attention and love. Once a child believes that somebody love him, care about him, he will try to get better. It is therefore very important to give children the attention and love.

The project involves visiting and communicating with children from the orphanage. The child, therefore, receives a friend from the outside and the opportunity to learn more about life outside the orphanage, to feel needed, to feel like a person and not just part of the group. The child receives something new, not common, not like at all, but his own!

On the eve of the New Year holiday, the students of KSMU prepared and showed a Christmas story with the participation of Grandfather Frost, snow maiden and many other characters. During the tale, the children actively participated, danced, danced with fairy tale characters. At the end of the event, children recited poems and sang songs, and Grandfather Frost distributed sweets and gifts.

After the event, the students and the children played and talked in the games room. And children, and the students were very satisfied, after which the latter promised to come again.

M. R. Izmailovich Assistant of the department

of immunology and allergology 



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