Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


08 January 2016

The department of children¢s Infectious Diseases plays a decisive role in the scientific work of the university. Professor Roza Hasanovna Begaidarova is the head of department more than 17 years.  12 master's theses, 1 doctoral dissertations and 1 PhD dissertation were defended under her supervision in different years. The teachers of the department fruitfully apply the theoretical knowledge not only in the training of students, but also in the research activities of the university. Wherein the basic emphasis is made on the active participation of young professionals.

The department won a grant of MES RK in 2012 on the theme "Development of improved methods of treatment of children and adults with chronic giardiasis on molecular - cellular level," GR №0112RK02818. The period of grant duration was 2012-2014 years.

5 articles were published in the journal "Medicine and Ecology". 7 articles were published in the journals of the Russian Federation, included in the list of the State commission for academic degrees and titles with the impact factor RSCI.  2 articles were published in the journal "Georgian Medical News", which is indexed in the databasey MEDLINE, SCOPUS, Pubmed. There are 4 articles in the editions of the SCOPUS and 4 articles in the editions of Thomson Reuters. In addition, the abstracts of reports were published in the proceedings of international scientific and practical conferences in Kazakhstan, in the CIS countries (Russia, Uzbekistan) and abroad (London, Hanover, Munich, Paris, Dubai, Singapore).

The methodic recommendation "Clinical and laboratory diagnosis and treatment of giardiasis at the present stage" was published and approved by the Republican Center for Innovative Technologies for Medical Education and Science of MH RK in 2012 year.

The innovative patent was obtained for the invention "Method for diagnosing the state of humoral immunity in the intestine in giardiasis invasion" in 2014 year.

The edition of the monograph "Clinical and epidemiological aspects of giardiasis at the present stage, the improvement of methods of treatment" is approved by MH SDRK and it is in planning for edition.

The work of a master’s student of the 2nd year of study G.E. Nasakaeva on theme "The development of approach of treatment the patients with giardiasis" is devoted to the treatment of giardiasis with domestic drug "Sausalin.

The results of research granted in the scientific work of KSMU gave the opportunity to enter in to the top three among higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan.

The results of the grant work formed the basis of dissertation research of the young scientist PhD Y.A. Yukhnevich on theme "The development of new approaches to the etiotropic treatment of giardiasis", led by the professor R.H.Begaidarova. The doctoral dissertation was defended in October 2015.

The defense of PhD thesis under the supervision of the associate professor Sh.S. Kaliyeva and professor R.H.Begaidarova was approved by the Committee for Control of Education and Science of the MES RK in 10/12/2015.

This study is the first shot in the Karaganda State Medical University, which increased the percentage of post graduate degree and allowed to enter in to the top three of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan.



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