Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


30 December 2015

Being students of the Kazakh-Russian Medical University, we were lucky to study in one of the best medical university - Karaganda State Medical University, on the academic mobility program.

On the eve of the Independence Day of our country, a cycle  of classes was held at the Department of children’s  Infectious Diseases. We all know that December 16, is the holiday which  has a special place in the hearts of every citizen of Kazakhstan. Just yesterday we witnessed this event. Despite the fact that the weather in Karaganda was not spoiled us, the day was really sunny. This holiday gifted to us by the Department of children’s Infectious Diseases and it was led by the head of the department, professor, academician R.Kh. Begaydarova.

Although we are student of Almaty University, the atmosphere was truly domestic, joy and happiness were in the air. The concert program included the historical background, as a reminder of the descendants of the December events of those years. It is difficult to overestimate the gratitude must be expressed to all those who with their own hands made it possible to obtain the independence of our country. Also, we were pleased with the performance of  kuy and Kazakh dance - do not forget the traditions and culture of our people.

It should be noted that KSMU met us with great hospitality. While studying at the Department of children’s Infectious Diseases, we noticed a great teaching staff, individual approach to each student.

The most important thing for this university is the confidence which they inspire  each of us, with some trepidation and high professionalism of each of our teachers belong  to human life and their profession, thereby causing admiration.

Moreover, a pleasant surprise was the fact that students are so lucky that  they not  receive just theoretical knowledge, but also to interact with patients, which is very important in this line (medical line).

At the Practical classes of associate professor U.G. Starikova, we conducted analysis of clinical problems, curation patients participated in the diagnosis and plan of treatment - it helped to understand the material and develop clinical reasoning.

Remember a long time non-standard lectures R. Kh. Begaydarova, U.G Starikov and H.G. Devdariani - following the example of the "round table" and "lecture-conference", where each student had the opportunity to not only get interesting and relevant material, but also take an active part in the process.

Cycle of classes  at the Department of children’s Infectious Diseases was filled  not only a pleasant experience but also solid knowledge - many of us, after this department started to think seriously about a professional career in this area.

At the Department of children’s Infectious Diseases of KSMU, Head of the Department, academician of RAE, MD, professor, doctor of the high category Begaydarova Rosa Khasanovna, have tested all students during a lecture to determine the type of personality for the perception of the lecture material. We were given phychological tests that determine an individual's belonging to one of four colors (darkblue, blue, yellow, orange), evaluating the type of character by the ability of perception. It was necessary to give answers to situational questions that were evaluated by a specific point system, to continue to count the number of points and to define their own individual character type, depending on the color. Testing has aroused great interest among the students. Everyone was very interesting to find out what type of person they are, because the self-knowledge is the most important in the life of any person. We were able to open some new sides of his character and ability. So, we are the group of fourth-year students, who came from the Kazakh-Russian Medical University of Almaty, according to the program of academic mobility: U.N. Avtukhovich, D.S. Beysembeeva,  E.M. Bryushinin,  V.A. Buzinsky, K.A. Dzhapparov, V.V. Titov – had a chance to know each other more better in school and life.

Our teachers R.Kh. Begaydarova, U.G. Starikov and H.G. Devdariani, adapted their lecture materials, taking into account the ability of our perception of all types of individuals, according to the results of this test. Indeed, the above material was received by us in full, as this  methods during training at the our  university have been used for the first time.

We would like do thanks the faculty for the experience, patience and hard work that they fill in us  in such a short period of time and wish him success, optimism, inspiration, health to you and your loved ones!

The most remembered were the kind words, said by the head of the Department of children’s Infectious Diseases, the warmth and care reports to each of the participants transferred the desire to live and work for the good of our country. We are the youth of Kazakhstan, foundation of a healthy and prosperous society!

U.N. Avtukhovich, D.S. Beisembayeva, E.M. Bryushinina, V.A. Buzinsky, K.A. Dzhapparov, V.V. Titov are students of Kazakh-Russian Medical University of Almaty, according to the program of academic mobility



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