Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Win in the Shymkent

Win in the Shymkent

28 December 2015

There was the Third international conference of young scientists and students "Prospects for the development of biology, medicine and pharmacy" of South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy on 9th and 10th of December in Shymkent, which has become a tradition for young scientists. The organizers were the Fund of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the Leader of the Nation and South-Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy. More than 300 reports of young scientists and students from Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan have been presented at the conference. Our University was represented by students of 2nd and 4thyears: A.Irgebayeva, A.Zhauynbekov, K.Zhanbossyn, A.Malikaidar, B.Ibrayev, K.Kabdullina, A.Serik, E.Abdreyev, G.Aitmuratova, G.Murat, U.Orynkazy, D.Azimbay, G.Kozhabek, S.Serikbayeva.

  The conference was consisted of two stages. Rector of SKSPHA, Professor B. Seksenbayev  visited at the solemn opening ceremony. The representative of theFund of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the Leader of the Nation – R.Edigeyeva, scientific Secretary of the Babylonian society of geneticists and breeders of St. Petersburg state University – A. A.Nizhnikov, researcher of the Center of Sciences on the life of Nazarbayev University–A. Zh.Akhmetova, researcher of the research Institute of molecular biology and medicine at NCC&T (Bishkek) – E. Talaibekova have spoken salutatory words.

  Next, at the plenary session interesting presentations of young scientists from Nazarbayev University, southern Federal University (Rostov – on – Don), research Institute of molecular biology and medicine at NCC &T (Kyrgyzstan), International Kazakh – Turkish University named after A. Yassaui, SKSPHA were listened to. After the plenary sessionall the young scientists and students reported their research is indifferent breakout sessions. This year there were 10 sections: theoretical medicine and biology, innovations in medicine: from theory to practice, public health and health in the twenty-first century, environmental problems of modern society, biotechnology and nanotechnology: a look into the future, technology of drugs, natural medicinal means and prospects of their application, priority research areas of quality control and chemical – toxicological analysis of drugs, innovative approaches to improve the drug supply of the population, relevant aspects of pharmacology, pharmacotherapy and clinical pharmacology. Inthesection "innovations in medicine: from theory to practice" the project was launched "communication platform G-Global", which was able to broadcast live with certain countries and universities of Kazakhstan for open discussions.

  Presentation of scientific works was continued on the second day. At the closing ceremony were chosen the best scientific works and awarded certificates. Gulzhanat Kozhabek from Karaganda State Medical University has been awarded the certificate "For the best scientific work". G. Murat, U. Orynkazy, A. Serik have been awarded the appreciation letters from the department. All participants were awarded certificates. Also, there was a concert program put on by active and talented students of SKSPHA.

Many thanks to the rector of KSMU, Professor R. S.Dosmagambetova for the given opportunity to students to partici pateintheThird international scientific conference of young scientists and students.


Press secretary KazMSA



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