Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The Day of Kazakh Republic Independency - the main national holiday of the Kazakh Republic

The Day of Kazakh Republic Independency - the main national holiday of the Kazakh Republic

28 December 2015

On December 14, in anticipation of the celebration of one of the most important national holiday of the Republic of Kazakhstan - The Day of Kazakh Republic Independency the meeting associated with this day was performed by the members of internal diseases department #1. This meeting was organized by the head of internal disease #1 D.Zh. Taizhanova, by the mentors of the students of the 7 year of education – Z. K. Guseinova and Z.B. Tauesheva. At the beginning of the concert the head of the internal diseases department MD, professor D.Zh.Tayzhanova had the opening speech about importance of this day for all Kazakh people.

  In the course of the concert by means of poetry, dance, performances the interns were displayed historic moments of formation of Kazakhstan's Independence. The interns of the 7 course from the "General Medicine" specialty D.Asanova and R.Kaliev were the leaders of the  concert. The poem «Азаттығымқалтамдағы -құжатым» was performed in the concert  by the student from the 7-030 group N.Erezhepovа. The student Amirbekova A. from the 4th year of education performed the song "Zheltoksan zheli".  The dance group "Akku" (N.Danbaevoy, E.Konyrek, T.Zhakypbekova, A.Tokinai) performed a folk dance. Saxophone composition «Yesterday» was performed by the E.Ertai. The beauty of Kazhakstan was shown under the tunes of dombra (Askarov Madi with kui "Kөңіl tolқyny").

  At the final part of the concert was the song "Atameken" presented by all interns of the 7 course. This song associated with the independency of Kazakh Republic.

The mentors of the students of the 7 year of education:

Z. K. Guseinova and Z.B. Tauesheva.



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