Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Republic of Kazakhstan Independence day celebration

Republic of Kazakhstan Independence day celebration

21 December 2015

On the 16 of December 21, 2015 the Constitutional Law of Independence of Kazakhstan was admitted. Kazakhstan Independence Day isthe main state holiday. This day is celebrated by Kazakhstan citizens every year on the 16 of December.

On the 15 of December there was a ceremonial celebration during the morning conference at the department of internal diseases №2 and phtysiatry, devoted to the independence day. It was organized by interns of the department, who are studying at 6 year of general medicine faculty 5В130100.

The ceremonial opening of the program beganwith fining a National Hymn of the Republic of Kazakhstan and a movie about how our country have been developed since getting independence to nowadays. The leader of the program was an intern of 6 year Vasilisa Vasilyeva. N.V.Vasilyeva and A.R.Alina wished all the best to all attendants and they have signed the importancy of this great day. The competition called «the history of Independent Kazakhstan» was included in to the program, in which all the interns and students actively took part. In the end of the celebration Vasilisa Vasilyeva read the rhyme that she wrote herself and called “the first day of December”. All the attendants were awarded by a sweet gifts for excellent knowledge of a history of Kazakhstan.



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