Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
AIDS don't choose, we do!

AIDS don't choose, we do!

21 December 2015

On the 3rd of December,2015 there was held a round-table event in Astana Medical University (in Astana)  dedicated to the World AIDs and HIV day, designated to raising awareness of the AIDs pandemic, called "AIDs don't choose, we do!". Organizing committee of this event consisted of department of dermatological -venereology with immunology course and Kazakhstan Medical Students' Association. The following event was held on three languages.

The main purpose of round-table was to understand AIDs infection from 3 different scientific and clinical points : on the cellular level, clinical report and psychological help. Batpenova Gulnar, doctor of medical sciences, professor of dermatological - venereological department with immunology courses greeted participants of this event and started opening ceremony with a speech. Participants of round-table came from the leading medical universities of Kazakhstan: Asfendiyarov Kazakh National University, Karaganda State Medical University, Ospanov West - Kazakhstan State Medical University. Students from our university, studying on 1-4 course successfully participated round-table event : Amina Sovet, Damir Usenov, Zhamilya Razymova, Kulyash Kokisheva, Aizhan Irgebayeva, Kymbat Kabdullina, Madina Nurmuldina, Gaziza Murat, Nurtolkyn Tolegenova, Eszhanbek Abdreev. Firstly, Berik Zhaksylyk, 3rd year student of Astana Medical University presented his scientific report "Immune Pathogenesis of the AIDs". Students of Karaganda State Medical University : Amina Sovet, Damir Usenov, Zhamilya Razymova, Kulyash Kokosheva, Kymbat Kabdullina and Madina Nurmuldina, introduced scientific report ,called "Clinical aspects of the AIDs".

Akzira Boranvbaeva, student of Asfendiyarov Kazakh National University demonstrated scientific report, called " Psychological help for AIDs infected patients". First year student of Astana Medical University, Erkinbek Aman, presented scientific report on english, called «AIDS and сliniсal trials of HIV», and Abay Doday, student of Astana Medical University read a monologue "ZHITS Korgany", which motivated and inspired audience. Inzhu Aitmaganbetova, supervisor of epidemiological department and Gulnar Nurgozhina, supervisor of AIDs therapeutic and prevention department, brought the following event to the logical conclusion with the speech and  awarded students with the participation certificates (with GC AIDs, Astana)

Kunsulu Zhanbossyn

Press secretary of LC KazMSA – KSMU



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