Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The Jubilee concert!

The Jubilee concert!

09 October 2015

On October 5, 2015, the holyday concert dedicated to the 65 anniversary of the University of the KSMU took place at the assembly hall of the University. The concert was prepared by the staff of the department on work with youth and art collectives of the University.

The colorful concert has begun with song «Aday» performed by Kurmangazy Sagyrbaev. The team of the folk ensemble of the east dances «Қаракөз»presented their dances on a high class, as if in a kaleidoscope of bright followed one another, and audience met them with the continuous applauses. There were daring Russian dances and incendiary "Lezginka" and tatar plastic composition.

The team of the dance theatre «Golden Step» presented amazing Spanish «La Corrida».

The Indian students, «Pandzhabi» team, demonstrated their talantes and were awarder with the rich applauses.

And of course, there were a lot of songs. There were patriotic works, acapella and ordinary and all favorite modern compositions. Alma Dzhakeeva presented the song "Land of Kazakhstan» on behalf of the faculty. And of course, a storm of applause greeted the hall stars of student creativity Nurlyayym Bainazarov, Aydar Tuleyev and Diana Bekmurzaev!

The concert was conducted by the students Salamat Onbay, Azima Skendirova and Shangay Ongmuin three languages. They showed artistry and good speech culture.

Each visitor received «Shashu»as a speck of the holyday for a long memory.

Department on work with youth



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