Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
I am not for sale!

I am not for sale!

08 October 2015

September 30, 2015 youth wing "Жас Отан" at the party "Нұр Отан" held a meeting of discussion club "Еркін пікір" on the theme: "Formation of anticorruption outlook of youth withing the modern conditions." The main objective of the meeting of the club was to discuss issues in the field of youth policy and to recommend the exact mechanisms for addressing bribery in schools.

At this meeting, attended by the inspector party control KOF Party "Нұр Отан" Azhbaev M.M., Director of the Center of Youth Initiatives Karaganda region Kurmanseyitov A.A., Head of the Department of Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in Karaganda region Smagulov D.N., Director of Research Institute of Economic and Legal Research KEUK Khanov T.A., Chairmen of KDM universities, students, leaders of youth organizations, activists of the youth wing "Жас Отан". On behalf of the Karaganda State Medical University participated Head OViSRS Ungarbaeva A.A., members of the Student "Самрук" Kuanysh.Zh.M., Fissenko I.V., Sadvakasova A.K., members of debate clubs «Inside» and «Намыс".

During the meeting they discussed the formation of new values to counter corruption and the establishment of anticorruption outlook. Head of the Department of Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in Karaganda region Smagulov DN presented the anti-corruption video titled "I'm not for sale!", which was attended by employees of different areas of the city, saying that these three words should be vital position of each public officer or ordinary citizen.

Inspector party control of the party "Рұр Отанn" Azhbaev Marat Mereshovich got acquainted students with the strategy to combat corruption in the 2015-2016 year. As Chairman of the Committee on Youth of higher educational institutions of Karaganda shared information about the campaign "Clear session" about the ongoing anti-corruption measures within the walls of the city`s universities. The participants asked their questions in this area.

The meeting was very productive and helped to improve legal literacy among the participants.

Kuanysh Zh.M.

Deputy of Student Republic "Самрук"



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