Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
August General Assembly of IFMSA

August General Assembly of IFMSA

11 September 2015

The 64 August meeting of General Assembly International Federation  of medical students association (IFMSA) took place from August 3 to August 9 in the remarkable tourist city Ohrid (Macedonia). 750 medical students from more than 100 countries from around the world participated at 64 August meeting of IFMSA. Three delegates from Kazakhstan took a part in the event - Kymbat Kabdullina (KSMU, the 4th year), Gaziza Murat (KSMU, the 3rd year) and Aybar Temirbekuly took part (NU, the 4th year).

During one week delegates participated at sessions of permanent committees on medical education, health care, protection of sexual and reproductive health, professional exchanges, scientific researches and exchanges in the field of human rights and the world, and also plenary sessions were held where offers were accepted and discussed , various joint trainings, thematic evenings and actions, fairs of ideas and presentations took place also.

The international federation of associations of medical students (IFMSA) provides the world in which all medical students unite for global health care to assume the leading health role at the local and global levels. Founded in 1951, the Federation represents a network from 1,3 million medical students among 129 national affiliated organizations today. Kazakhstan joined into this world federation in 2014 year and at the moment is the candidate for full membership of federation. By rules of federation, the new national organizations have to show the active work within three years and only after that can become full members of federation. The federation suits such international General Assemblies two times in a year - March and August meetings. The main objective of the August meeting is signing of contracts for student's exchanges worldwide. "Migration of health workers" was the main subject of a meeting in this time.

KazMSA will promote the most efficient prosperity of medicine in Kazakhstan. In this regard we urge all medical students of Kazakhstan not to stand aside and to be a part of KazMSA.

Kymbat Kabdullina 4-005 GM

Gaziza Murat 3-019 GM



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