Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Double victory!

Double victory!

14 May 2015

  From the 19th to 25th  of April, the game of ¼ finale of republican KVN-league "Zhaidarman" was held in Astana’s "Congress Hall" with the support of RTRC "Kazakhstan".15 teams presenting all regions of Kazakhstan took part in the game. Our city was represented by KVN-team of Karaganda State Medical University "Kulki therapy".

All 15 quarter-finals were divided into 3 groups for 5 teams in each. Besides "Kulki therapy", our group consisted of: «Syrdaria kuramasy» (Shymkent), «Shu-chu» (Shu), «Sagyz» (Kzyl-orda) and «Zhasnar» (Almaty).

  The game consisted of four rounds:

1) Greeting;

2) Five news;

3) The Musical competition;

4) Homework.

Three strongest teams, including "Kulki therapy", passed in the next round according to the results. After completion of quarter-final our team had another competition.The regional festival КVN "Zhaidarman" was held in Satpaev on April  28, at support of PDP "Nur Otan". 8 teams from different regions took part in the festival. "Kulki therapy" became the winner of festival for the second consecutive year. We congratulate our team on double victory and wish success in  the games of republican major league "Zhaidarman".

  N.Khusanov(4-001 PМ,B and P)



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