Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


Congress of the National Association for the Stroke prevention
05 July 2019
On June 15-19, 2019, the 4th Congress of the National Association for the Stroke prevention was successfully held in St. Petersburg. Leading domestic and foreign neurologists, members of the Presidium and Board of the National Association for the Stroke Prevention, about 4 thousand delegates and guests from Russia, Kazakhstan and other countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States
Meeting with youth
04 July 2019
On June 29, traditional alumni reunion of the KSMU of different years was held in the assembly hall of the university.
Seasonal infections
03 July 2019
As part of the implementation of the decisions of the chief state sanitary doctor №2 – PGR from 03.04.2009 on the organization of measures to train medical workers in the Health Department of the Karaganda region 21.06.2009 was held a training seminar "Diagnosis and treatment of enterovirus infection, diarrheal disease and meningococcal infection."
Successful defense of master's dissertations on with “Nursing” EP
02 July 2019
In the NCJSC "Karaganda Medical University" passed the master's dissertations for the degree of Master of Medical Sciences in the EP "Nursing". The State Attestation Commission, headed by the Chairman of the Professor of the Department of Defectology of the KarSU named after E.A. Buketova Tebenova Karlygash Sakenovna, heard the reports of undergraduates
Mastered the new methods of diagnosis and treatment in hematology
02 July 2019
From 27.05.19 to 07.06.19 we, residents of the specialty "Hematology" were trained by academic mobility program in the Kazakh Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology in Almaty at the Kazakh National Medical University of Continuing Education (Head of the hematology course, MD, Prof. R.M. Ramazanova).
Master-class "Objective structured practical exam»
01 July 2019
From the 18 th to the 28 th of June 2019 on the basis of the Center of transfer of educational technologies at the Department of biology of The JSC medical University of Karaganda held a master class on the topic: "Objective structured practical exam" on the subject of "Botany".
Expand cooperation with the University of Poitiers (France)
28 June 2019
From 25 to 28 June 2019, Professors of the University of Poitiers (France) Paul Seite, Brigitte Vannier and Thierry Berges visited the Medical University of Karaganda.
Received a master's degree in medicine
28 June 2019
July 25 was defended 3 master's theses in the specialty 6M110200 -"Public health»
Discussed the issues of preparation of future doctors
26 June 2019
In the framework of academic mobility from 10.06.2019 to 06.21.2019 a visit took place the head of the department of clinical pharmacology and evidence-based medicine Kaliyeva Sh.S. in the NP JSC "Medical University of Astana."
Successful defense of master's theses
24 June 2019
For the first time in the Karaganda Medical University on June 24, 2019, the defense of master's theses in the specialty 6M060700 "Biology" specialty in the scientific and pedagogical direction was held. The meeting of the Attestation Commission was attended by the Chairman of the Candidate of Biological Sciences
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