Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


December the 1st -the World AIDS Day
03 December 2020
In 1998, the world health organization declared December the 1st as the World AIDS Day. One of the main directions of the state policy on HIV/AIDS in Kazakhstan is the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of this disease. In this regard, every year from November the 10th to December the 10th our country hosts events dedicated to the World AIDS Day.
Day of the First President
01 December 2020
December the 1st is the Day of the First President. Thanks to this date, the younger generation will learn the history of independent Kazakhstan, contribute to the preservation of the memory of Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev about his hard work on the path of the country's formation.
Career guidance work of the Department of pathology with graduates of gymnasium №93 Karaganda
26 November 2020
On November 21, 2020, we: associate Professor Kh. R. Abdikadirova and assistant Professor Yu. P. Talaspеkova of the Department of pathology of the NAO MUK conducted career guidance work with students of the 11th grades of "Gymnasium № 93 of Karaganda" on the Zoom platform.
The startup of the Karaganda Medical University was recognized as the best one!
24 November 2020
The results of the republican competition of the student’s innovative socially significant projects “My real contribution to the innovative development of the country” which was held in the framework of the VIII Republican patriotic forum of student youth “Мен жастарға сенемін!” had been announced on November 23.
«The head of state is the mainstay of the country»
23 November 2020
The youth conference " Данатұлға, даратұлға-Елбасы " was held on the ZOOM platform in an online format. It was organized as part of the Republican online relay " Елбасы-елтірегі ", on 17.11.20of the Astana time, dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Sanaly urpaq
17 November 2020
An online conference “Our choice is a rule of law” of the anti-corruption clubs “Адалұрпақ” and “Sanaly urpaq” of general and higher educational institutions of Karaganda was held on November 16. The conference was held as part of the implementation of the nationwide project “Civil Control”. The event was attended by the First Deputy Head of the Anti-Corruption Department in the Karaganda region Orazkhan Askhat and the Head of the republican project office “Sanaly urpaq” - Tokushev Kaiyrzhan.
Physical education to the masses!
16 November 2020
The Center of Physical Health has lead the online competition in general physical training among students of 3rd, 4th,5th courses. The girls jumped rope, the boys made pull-ups.
Paramedic training
15 November 2020
Employees of JSC SSC" KazGeology "carry out surface and underground geological study ofthe bowels of the lands of Kazakhstan. The need for paramedics (people trained in emergency care skills) in teams is increasing every day.
Preventive measures against seasonal influenza
12 November 2020
"General Medicine" students took an active part in measures to prevent influenza. Sanitary-educational and motivational work aimed at attracting the population to vaccination against influenza is carried out by the interns at the clinical bases of the Primary Healthcare Center and Polyclinic No. 3 in Karaganda.
Admired with excursion
07 November 2020
On November,3,4,2020 an online tour to the museums ALZHIR and KarLAG was organized and conducted by Associate Professor of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and Social and Political Disciplines - Abdrakhmanova Kamshat Zhaksylykovna for the 1-2 year students of the Faculty of Dentistry and General Medical School. This excursion was held through the Microsoft team’s platform.
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