Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
"Reproductive health and methods of its maintenance".

"Reproductive health and methods of its maintenance".

11 February 2015

  On February 4, the informative and situational training "Reproductive health and methods of his maintenance" spearheaded by volunteers of Department of educational and social work, participants of Association of medical students of Kazakhstan took place in the gymnasium №3.The pupilsof the 9th-10th grades of Kazakh and Russian  languages education participated In the training.

  The  following questions were discussed within the framework of training:

  - What is the reproductive health?

  - The possible ways of contamination by the reproductive organs diseases.

  - The methods of these disease prevention.

  - Level of responsibility and actuality of reproductive diseases among teenagers.

The real life situations were presented to the students, to define their position and level of awareness about the protected sexual intercourse.Training organizers told about the first symptoms of reproductive dysfunctions separately both for girls and for boys; and also possible consequences in case of their ignoring.Training was aimed to estimate the psychological state of teenagers - willingness to bear the responsibility and make reasonable decisions in case of reproductive organs contamination.  Free discussion on a theme "To be a pregnant in17" took place at the end of training .Pupils showed the personal interest in this theme and methods of decision of the problem in a similar situation.

  Association of medical students of Kazakhstan expresses the special gratitude to administration of gymnasium №3 and to the department of educational and social work of КSMU for their help in organization of event.

  Kablan Nazerke

  The member of local committee of KSMU.



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