Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
VI Annual International Winter School "Actual problems of public health care: health promotion and disease prevention (behavioral risk factors)"

VI Annual International Winter School "Actual problems of public health care: health promotion and disease prevention (behavioral risk factors)"

05 February 2015

From January 26 to 30, 2015 the Kazakh National Medical University named after SD Asfendiyarov held the VI Annual International Winter School "Actual problems of public health: health promotion and disease prevention (behavioral risk factors)" for students of medical and non-medical universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The work of the Winter School was attended by experts in the field of public health care of RK and abroad, as the well as the students of KazNMU of S.D. Asfendiyarov, Semey State Medical University, ICGS, YUKGFA, Kazakh National University Al-Farabi, KazATC of  M. Tynyshpayev and students of our university, namely A. Arymbekova, A. Kabdusheva, A. Askarova, D.Tokasheva, D. Alpysbayev, J. Kuanish.

Professor, Advisor of  the Rector of KazNMU of S.D.Asfendiyarov in public health care T.S. Meyrmanaliev gave a lecture on the topic "Behavioral risk factors (hypertension, overweight, diabetes)," on the first day of the Winter School. An assistant of the Department of communicative skills, basics of psychotherapy, general and medical psychology F.A. Bagiyarova continued the meeting with workshop "Mental Health and Prevention of stress". At the end of the day, guests visited the museum of the University of KazNMU. The opening ceremony of the Winter School was held on the second day. The welcome speech was said by the Rector of KazNMU of S.D. Asfendiyarov. This day was dedicated to the theme "Nutrition". Seminar training on "Reproductive health and rights, prevention of STIs and HIV infection" was held on the third day. A training seminar "Prevention of alcohol and tobacco" was held on the fourth day in the morning. Then under the guidance of Professor, Head of  the Department of  International Health care K.K. Kurakbaev, students went to the clinic of internal diseases. The Olympiad "Healthy Universities" was held on the fifth day. The opening was held by the rector of KazNMU A.A. Akan, Vice President of OIA K.A. Tulebayev, Professor, Advisor of the Rector of KazNMU of S.D. Asfendiyarov on public health care T.S. Meyrmanaliev, Head of Policy and Health Management B.S. Turdalieva. After opening, the Olympiad participants presented their projects "Healthy Universities", then the results were summed up and rewarding of the participants was held. The first place was taken by the representatives of IKTV, second place with the project "The simulators instead droppers" was taken by the students of Semey State Medical University, third place was taken by YUKGFA. All participants were awarded gifts and certificates.

Z.M. Kuanish, deputy chairman CSSS

Preventive Medicine, biology and pharmacy faculty.



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