Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Academic Mobility of KSMU studentsin the National Taiwan University, College of Medicine, Taiwan September 15–October 24,2014

Academic Mobility of KSMU studentsin the National Taiwan University, College of Medicine, Taiwan September 15–October 24,2014

28 November 2014

KSMU medical student Saniya Kosdauletova,the 7th year of “General Medicine”participated on exchange programme and visited National Taiwan University, College of Medicine, Taiwan (www.med.ntu.edu.tw). According to the programme she participated in elective courses of family medicine and Radiology.Course duration: Family medicine – 3 week; Radiology – 3 week.

Clinical  Activities in Family medicine department included a  morning meetings(ward case discussions and book/journal readings), nursing and Medical staff conferences(discussions about current physician-nurse teamwork care at the inpatient ward and Home Care events), physician-pharmacy meetings (there were 2-3 clinical pharmacists that attended our daily morning meetings to discuss current inpatient medication use and provide up-to-date drug information),family Medicine Department Meetings(Seminars about Core contents in Family Medicine, Resident training courses, current updates in Family Practice, and special topics), evaluation and management of Bio-psychological stress Conference Meetings(physicians and clinical psychologists got together to discuss the psychological evaluation and management of real clinical cases),family Medicine Outpatient clinic Video teaching (supervising attending physicians will evaluate a video-recorded clinic session involving  resident and their patient),medical Intern conferences(interns can offer their feedback about their training at department, сomprehensive Geriatric Assessment Case Conference(a team conference discussing a current geriatric ward case),medical Ethics Meeting (book readings and case discussions on medical ethics), outpatient clinic training (Residents were given the opportunity to discuss and evaluate their patient with a supervising attending doctor during both morning and afternoon outpatient clinics),Palliative and hospice Video Case Conferences(Live, webcam case conferences with other Palliative ward units across Taiwan (Taipei Veterans Hospital, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Tzu-Chi Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, China Medical University Hospital, Chun Shan Medical University Hospital, Mackay Memorial Hospital, etc.),home care Case Conferences: Third and fourth year residents, attending physicians, home care nurses, nutritionists, and social workers discussed and evaluated a home care case, Continuing Education Seminars (attending physicians from all specialties in NTUH will deliver a one hour seminar for general practitioners for their continuing education throughout the year,(other conferences include Travel Medicine Book Readings, Core Contents of Research Methods, etc.) They were arranged by each supervising attending doctor of their specialty.

During Radiology course we also alternated in theory and practical skills. First of all, I would like to mention the high quality of equipment in the radiological department, which uses the latest diagnostic equipment (magnetic resonance and spiral computed tomography, angiography, unique digital X-ray machines for all types of studies, including mammography, ultrasound machines of all types). In our class, we discussed the anatomical and topographical features of the organs and systems under normal and pathological by radiographic, CT and MRI images, as well as ultrasound. We also studied the radiological features of childhood.

There is a very good climate in Taiwan, very tasty food, fresh air, numerous parks, attractions,and a lot of foreigners. Everything was very well organized. The teachers were very friendly and they could find the individual key to every student.  Taiwan is good place for obtaining the quality education.

Kosdauletova Saniya, intern, 7-062 group GM



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