Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Peaceful politics of our state

Peaceful politics of our state

28 November 2014

  On November 18, the commission on the prophylaxis of religious extremism  and deputy director on educational work of medical college KSMU А.А. Ungarbaeva organized a meeting with students in the dormitory of medical college with participation of the employee of department of informatively-propagandist work "Center of study and analysis of problems of interconfessional relations" E.Bederov. In an introductory word  by the presiding commissioner, senior teacher  department of history of Kazakhstan Т.Mustafina told about the role of religion, spreading in the modern world of radical pseudo-religious flows. The aims of the similar  prophylactic meeting were explained to the students during this meeting.

  Е.Bederov explained the audience the basic concepts about the pillars of islam and misinterpretation of concept "Jihad" in modern salafit-wahhabit flows. 

Helper of chancellor А.Saukhymov explained the students the a main task of this meeting -  protection of young people from influence of radical religious groups.He marked, that traditional religions call to pacification and harmony.The aim of alien to the Kazakhstan people neo-religious flows is destruction of peaceful politics of our state, sowing of enmity between moslems, people and ethnic groups of our country.During meeting students set questions about reasons of departure  of our compatriots in “hot spots”, took interest about returning citizens and about the measure of responsibility and punishment for the similar acts of extremist and terrorist character. Е.Bederov and А.Saukhymov gave exhaustive answers for these questions.

After completion of meeting students thanked the organizers for interesting and cognitive performances. Also the importance of discussion of questions of religious extremism in a student environment were marked.

  Commission on a prophylaxis religious extremism and terrorism



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