Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
«We are for bright life!»

«We are for bright life!»

28 October 2014

16 october at Child's illnesses №2 departmentunder the guidance of teacher K.Zh.Alimshaihina a solemn event «We are for bright life!» was held. Students of group 4-007 of speciality General medicine by means of video clip showed their views to the healthy way of life.

At an event manager by department Child's illnesses №2 Tukbekova Bibigul Tuleubaevna, an associate dean of the year 4 of faculty of general medicine and stomatology Baimenova Aiman Serikbaevna, associate professor Dusenova Sandugash Bolatovna and other teachers of department were invited. In completion the manager of department handed the train aids to the actively showing up students, arriving from КazNMU of S.D.Asfendiarov on the program of academic mobility.

Baktybai Danara

Head of group 4-007 specialities "General medicine"



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