Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Night in the museum

Night in the museum

26 May 2014

On May 16 on a summer scene of qmu the main event of student's spring, grandiose show – the program "Night in the museum . Opening" took place.

Many of you had a question what is the "Night in the museum. Opening" mean?

Night in the museum – the international action, which main objective is to show resources, opportunities, the modern museums, and also to attract youth in the museum.

It is a little history. The first country which opened doors of the museums at night was Germany  in 1997. The idea was picked up by all museums of Europe and Russia, and since 2007 of night in the museum became new tradition in Kazakhstan. This event in the Cultural calendar of our country, is one of the most attractive.

qmu didn't stand aside. The department of educational work and youth policy together with activists organized the show program "Night in the museum. Opening" in which took part a huge number of talented students. Representatives of the circle "Конферансье" the student 4-005 OZ Ayzhan Kabdusheva and the student of 2-016 OHMS Kolkanat Nurtay who throughout all program told about importance of holding this action were hosts of this program.

Gold voices of qmu took part in the program, such as, Nurayym Beknazar of 3-017 groups, Diana Bekmurzayeva of 1-068 groups, Aydar Tuleyev of 2-012 groups, Nursultan Birlik of 3-042 groups, Anastasiya Kusainova of 1-062 groups, Zhasur Salakhiddinov of 5-008 groups, Sultan Abylasov of 4-018 groups which sang songs in the native language. Also the dancing group "Yes Team" which has executed the dance "Apologize and SDK" appeared on stage. The collective of national ensemble of oriental dances "Қаракөз" executed the dance "Kara jorga" and the Tatar national dance. Besides performed by soloists of collective of the ballroom dances "Golden Step" Brimzhan Zhuzbayev 2-093 groups and Muntayeva Karina of 1-075 groups was shown the incendiary dance "Mask".

The bulk of the audience was made by youth which has to appreciate and read culture and traditions of the state.

After the termination of the concert program by the curator Irina Milayeva excursion for students in museum of local lore of Karaganda was organized.

It was interesting and is fascinating! Thanks to organizers and participants for holding such action in qmu!

Ayzhan Kabdusheva

head of the circle "Конферансье"



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