Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


19 May 2014

On the eve of the 69th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War the veterans had been honored in the Karaganda state medical university.

It has become a tradition at the University on the eve of the 9th of May to deploy the military tent and cook a real soldier's porridge, welcoming veterans of war, labor and rear services. The university now has only one veteran – Tamara Sagimyan, 7 workers of rear services and 22 labor veterans. On this day 12 veterans came to alma-mater: Valentina Grigoriyevna Arkhipova, Vera Yakovlevna Galkina, Kusniy Amenovich Eleuov, Kabul Altayevich Zhumanbayev, Gulyuanu Akhmetbekovna Nurkenova, Antonina Innokentiyevna Ponomarenko, Vladimir Petrovich Rorokin, Yekaterina Petrovna Sprindis, Nikolay Georgiyevich Vyatchin, Gulsunu Rakhimzhanovna Isina, Vera Vassiliyevna Petrova. 

Their youthful years occurred in the terrible war. A whole working life they devoted to native university and serving others. On this day the best gift for them is to gather in a small circle in the tent behind the bowler soldier's porridge, cooked in a field camp stove.

This memorable day began with a tour on the university. Veterans noted how their native institution transformed, what beautiful and modern the cabinets became, as everything has changed, but yet remained the relatives and friends. In memory of this day the veterans were presented with gifts and a symbol of Victory Day – pinks.

And then all of those gathered in a tent. It was an informal meeting. The veterans and their students, the university administration were sitting at the same table. The rector of KSMU Raushan Sultanovna Dosmagambetova appealed to veterans as to their teachers, mentors with words of gratitude. She pointed out that owing to the veterans we live in a time of peace, we can be happy and popular. The desire of health was central on this day. To remain in order, to be in the charger of life – with these words we addressed to all the veterans, who came to congratulate them today. The chairman of the University Board of veterans Sembek Abdrakhmanovich Sartabayev wished the veterans to gather for the next year in the same numerical strength.

Emotional tone and festive atmosphere supported the choir of KSMU, which sang the iconic songs «Katyusha» and «Victory Day».

On this day the veterans reminisced about the past. These were the stories about the difficult war years of childhood and adolescence. As Vladimir Petrovich Rorokin noticed, the youth was growing up faster during the war. The victory, he said, went because she had been paid by the price of lives of united people from all republics of the former Soviet Union. The performance of Yekaterina Petrovna Sprindis turned out the bright, she in August of this year will celebrate her 90th anniversary. She thanked the university administration, the University Board of Veterans, and also the students for this holiday, and noted that it was a welcome event for veterans. In her poems the veteran told about war years, about those fact, what means to devote the life to medicine, and it means – to present health to people.

And in conclusion appealed to the younger generation to take an example from the veterans, bravely survived all the adversity and dedicated lives to medicine. The succession of generations was one of the leitmotifs of the conversation of veterans and those who came to congratulate them. The words of Kusniy Amenovich Eleuova: «To remember and to appreciate this world», – defined the pathos of the meeting. This holiday was not just for veterans, but also for those, who bring now the baton of profession. To remember...



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