Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
"High Ambition University"

"High Ambition University"

26 April 2024

"University of high ambitions" – that's how our university was described by chairman of the commission of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR) Elena Yurieva, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Institute of Postgraduate Education of the FSBEI of HE "Krasnoyarsk State Medical University".

Domestic and international experts noted the university’s strengths, including team cohesion, a strong personnel policy, the presence of author’s developments in digitalisation, active interaction with healthcare and high feedback about the university from students, graduates and employers.

The visit within the framework of institutional and specialized accreditation of Karaganda Medical University took place from April 22 to 26. The Expert Commission (IAAR) met with students and graduates, faculty and employers, visited the Centre for Simulation and Educational Technologies, University clinics and clinical bases, including KSE "Regional Clinical Hospital", KSE "Multidisciplinary Hospital №1 of Karaganda city", KSE "Multidisciplinary Regional Children's Hospital", KSE "Children's Hospital of Karaganda", Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control in the district named after Kazybek bi, Polyclinic № 3 of Karaganda, LLP "Medical Center Darkhan", Production Pharmacy "DOKA 21", LLP "Stoma in the East", retail pharmacy network "Biosphere".



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