Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Acquired new knowledge in interdisciplinary neurology

Acquired new knowledge in interdisciplinary neurology

17 November 2023

On November 9-10, 2023, a scientific and practical conference with international participation "Interdisciplinary Neurology" was held in Shymkent.

It was attended by speakers from various countries (UK, Türkiye, Russia, Ukraine), as well as local speakers from Almaty, Karaganda, Astana, and Semey, who addressed the latest methods of diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases, innovative technologies in the field of functional diagnosis and rehabilitation, neurosurgery and related disciplines, as well as modern developments in interdisciplinary problems. 

The welcome speech was given by the Head of the Medical Sciences Authority and New Technologies of the DSHR of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Medical Sciences N.E. Aukenov, the Rector of SKMA, MD, Professor M.M. Rysbekov, Non-staff Chief Neurologist of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan S.T. Turuspekova, and others. 

In the section “Neurorehabilitation, experience and achievements” of the School of Nursing Education, MD, Professor Tokzhan Kispayeva made a report on “Improvement of rehabilitation service at the third stage: prospects and opportunities”. The speaker raised issues about the organization of medical rehabilitation processes at the third stage, mobile rehabilitation, introduction of modern technologies in the rehabilitation process, prospects and opportunities for patients at the level of outpatient profile. 

Within the framework of the conference the traditional section “Young Scientist” was held, where from the NCJSC "Karaganda Medical University" was presented the report “Use of the rehabilitation system ReHand in recovery of patients with cerebral stroke” by the doctoral student of the educational program “Medicine” M.S. Amirbekova (scientific advisers: T.T. Kispayeva, Ausra Adomaviciene) and master's student V.Yu. Yablonskaya (supervisor: T.T. Kispayeva). The jury appreciated the presented work and awarded the participants with the 3rd place among all reports of the section.

Master students V. Yu. Yablonskaya, A.B. Arshkenov (supervisor: T.T. Kispayeva) also participated in the section "Young Scientist" from the NCJSC “KMU” and received certificates for participation with the report “Influence of logotherapy on the recovery of patients with cerebral stroke.” 

 The conference concluded with a resolution on the key issues for the development of the Neurology Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 



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