Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Lifelong memories

Lifelong memories

17 November 2023

The commemorative event in honor of the 120th anniversary since the birth of the first rector of KSMI, Honored Doctor, Honorary Citizen of Karaganda Pyotr Moiseevich Pospelov, was warm and memorable. It was held on November 10, 2023, at the Karaganda Medical University, with numerous guests of the older generation from Kazakhstan and abroad.

The planning for this meeting began at the university a long time ago: everything was planned down to the last detail, and the most important aspect was to invite all graduates from the period of Pyotr Moiseevich Pospelov's activities, his successors, who revered his legacy.

In her welcoming speech, Chairman of the Board-Rector A.A. Turmukhambetova stated that Alma Mater is strongly associated with the name of Pyotr Moiseevich, the founder of our University, for all of us. This is a man who built traditions and principles of service to the people of our country, and for whom the quality of education is the most important aspect of university activities. Pyotr Moiseevich paved the way for several of our outstanding graduates, including T. Sh. Sharmanov.

Many achievements of the institute during P.M. Pospelov's leadership were discussed by the meeting's guests, as well as his rare organizational skills, which enabled the university to develop rapidly and reach the level of leading universities in the Soviet Union in a short period of time. Telman Zeynullovich Seysembekov, a 1964 graduate, Professor Emeritus of the University, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and Victor Alexandrovich Zubov, a 1960 graduate of KSMI, Doctor of Medical Sciences, both spoke comprehensively about it. They published books about P. M. Pospelov in various years. V. A. Zubov presented his book at the memorial evening and donated one copy, as well as an artistic portrait of Pyotr Moiseevich, to the University's historical museum.

A lot has been said at the meeting about the first rector of KSMI's vitality and outstanding human traits, which made him adored by students and admired by the entire Institute employees. Meiram Bayzrakhmanovich Turgunov, a 1961 KSMI graduate and oncologist surgeon whose 30 years of life were spent close to the institute's first rector, shared certain facts showing P. M. Pospelov's outspoken influence among students and teachers.

Zinaida Semenovna Pospelova, the spouse of Pyotr Moiseevich's son, greeted the attendees remotely and sincerely thanked the organizers for such a large-scale memorial evening. She was unable to come to Karaganda from Russia and sent a video message.

Furthermore, as the meeting participants noted, Pyotr Moiseevich loved to sing, felt the music subtly and personally took part in all amateur student performances. At some point, he was captivated by the voice of a 5th-year student who is now an Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor Emeritus of KSMU Serik Imakovich Tokpanov. He performed Pyotr Moiseevich's favorite song “Вeчер на рейде” (“Evening on the raid”).

The song "Tugan Zher" ("Motherland") performed by the Language Development Center's Head Marina Abilzhanovna Maretbayeva and Professor Valeriya Alekseevna Burmistrova sounded great.

As always, the 1974 KSMU graduate, lead singer of the student pop group "Pulse", MD, Professor Farida Anvarovna Mindubayeva performed the song "Подмосковные вечерa" ("Moscow evenings") in a unique manner.

The meeting was held at a high level and left a lot of good emotions among all those present, thanks to the main organizers of the meeting - the staff of the School of Public Health and other departments of the university, excellent presenters: Professor Vilen Borisovich Molotov-Luchansky, head of the museum Nailya Fuatbekovna Saifulina and head of the Language Center Marina Abilzhanovna Maretbayeva. The participants were able to touch the bright past linked with the life and work of the Great Doctor, Teacher, and Healthcare Organizer Pyotr Moiseevich Pospelov through the memories of the guests.



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