Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Congress of Infectious Disease Specialists

Congress of Infectious Disease Specialists

27 October 2023

The III Kazakhstani Congress of Infectious Disease Specialists with international participation "Infectious diseases in the context of globalization: challenges and solutions" was hosted in Astana on October 5-6, 2023.

  The event was organized by the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan, "Astana Medical University" NJSC.  

  The Conference was devoted to current issues of epidemiology, clinic, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases in children and adults. The forum was held in the format of "share your experience, show and tell".

  The participants were leading scientists from Kazakhstan Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tatarstan. The conference included a plenary meeting, 3 sessions, a contest of young scientists, where 14 poster reports were considered. A total of 63 reports were presented.

The program included several directions: acute respiratory viral and intestinal infections, neuro- and airborne infections, hepatitis, particularly dangerous infections, Covid-19, notes from practice, new and old infections.

Karaganda Medical University was represented by scientists of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Phtisiology: MD, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Natural History R.Kh. Begaidarova, candidate of medical sciences, Professor G.K. Alshynbekova, PhD, Associate Professor E.S. Zhunusov and candidate of medical sciences, Associate Professor Kh. G. Devdariani.

R.Kh. Begaidarova's report on the topic "Measles in young children at the present stage" (description of a clinical case, severe course of measles in a child with the development of a complication - pneumonia) was of interest in terms of clinical observation from her own practice and treatment.

  G.K. Alshynbekova's presentation was focused on the issue of hemorrhagic colitis in young children; it was also interesting with the author's own data.

  The report "Complication in chickenpox" (description of a clinical case, severe course of chickenpox in a child with the development of destructive pneumonia) was presented by Kh.G. Devdariani.

  PhD, Associate Professor E.S. Zhunusov made a report "Features of differential diagnosis of acute intestinal infections and inflammatory bowel disease in adults".

  In the section young scientists considered the poster report "Rare diseases: anthrax in an adult and a child" (clinical case) prepared by residents of the department Ruslan Daurbekov and Victoria Koshmina under the guidance of MD, Professor, Academician of RANH R.Kh. Begaidarova, and candidate of medical sciences, Professor G.K. Alshynbekova. The work of the residents was awarded the diploma of I degree. 

  The conference was conducted in heated debate. There were numerous questions to the speakers, to which detailed answers were given.

  The conference participants expressed their gratitude to the moderators for the good organization of the forum, detailed and interesting reports, and expressed hope for further cooperation in the field of science and practice.

MD, Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Phtisiology, Academician of RANH R.Kh. Begaidarova 



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