Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Considered topical infections in Kazakhstan and Central Asia

Considered topical infections in Kazakhstan and Central Asia

03 July 2023

On June 16-17, 2023 in Shymkent, at the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy held "II International Scientific-Practical Conference:" Actual infections of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

  The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy organized the conference.

  The issues of the conference were devoted to topical issues of epidemiology, clinic, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases in children and adults.

This large-scale scientific and practical event was implemented in the “share experience-show-tell” format.

The conference participants were represented by leading scientists from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Karakalpakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tatarstan.

The conference was held as part of a plenary session, 4 sections, a competition for young scientists, 10 poster presentations. 54 reports were heard.

With a welcoming speech, opening the conference, the director of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy M. M. Rysbekov chief freelance infectious disease specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan B.N. Kosherova, as well as leading specialists from neighboring countries.

The plenary session was moderated by Professor B.N. Kosherova section infectious diseases no. 1 professor R. Kh. Begaidarova.  

The conference program was extremely broad and was conducted in several areas: acute respiratory viral and intestinal infections, neuro- and airborne infections, hepatitis, especially dangerous infections, Covid 19, notes from practice, new and old infections.

  Karaganda Medical University was represented by scientists of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Phthisiology: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences R. Kh. Begaidarova and candidate of medical sciences, professor G. K. Alshynbekova

Report by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, and Academician of the RANH R. Kh. Begaidarova on the topic: "Complications of chickenpox" (Description of a clinical case, severe course of chickenpox in a child with the development of destructive pneumonia) aroused interest in terms of clinical observation from their own practice and treatment.

Report of Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor G.K. Alshynbekova “Cytomegalovirus infection in children, issues of diagnosis and treatment, which was also interesting by the author's own data.

The conference was held in stormy discussions. The speakers were asked numerous questions, to which detailed answers were given. In conclusion, the conference participants thanked the moderators for the good organization of the conference, detailed and interesting reports, and expressed their hope for further cooperation between science and practice.

Begaidarova Roza Khasanovna - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Phthisiology, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences



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