Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Construction of «New Kazakhstan» and formation of a new system of values

Construction of «New Kazakhstan» and formation of a new system of values

30 June 2023

In order to implement the activities of the “Zhana Kazakhstan” concept, the Department of the History of Kazakhstan and Socio-political Disciplines, together with the Youth Department of Karaganda Medical University held a meeting of the permanent methodological seminar “Zhangyru Zholy” on the topic “Construction of “New Kazakhstan” and the formation of a new system of values”. The moderators of the seminar were S. A. Nikiforova, A. S. Lamanova, O. A. Kovtun, Y. G. Osintseva.

As before, the geography of the meeting was extensive and involved a variety of participants. The students of Karaganda Medical University and Karaganda Technical University named after A. A. Saginov, the Youth Council "Keshelek" under the Trade Union Center of Karaganda region exchanged their opinions within the framework of the seminar.

The aim of this event was to discuss the necessity of studying of value orientations of the future professional in the sphere of medicine, not only doctor, but any other specialist in particular. To discuss which values are preferred in the modern world and which need to be formed.

The event was opened by a Compliance Officer of Medical University of Karaganda A. N. Urmashov. Bagramova Aymira Chairwoman of the Youth Council "Keshelek" at the Trade Union Center of Karaganda region addressed the audience with information about the specifics of their activities. She shared her contacts, so that in the future, if any questions arise, they could apply to her for assistance in the field of labor legislation.

Maria Kim, Ivan Bystrov, Valeria Isakova, Julia Kolkova, the 1st year students of NC JSC "KMU" in their speech talked about the importance and peculiarities of the formation of family values among students. They told what today young people see in such a phenomenon as "marriage".

Chinmaya, the 2nd year student of the International Faculty of Medicine at NC JSC "KMU", sparked a lively discussion and many questions with her presentation on "Transformation of the role of women in Indian society". The audience was told about the situation of the modern Indian woman, with a woman before the period of independence.

Aisha Akhmerova, Sabina Baysova, Valeria Denisenko, Margarita Stepanchuk, the 1st year students of Karaganda Medical University, School of Dentistry, gave an idea of religion among modern Kazakhstani youth in their speech.

In continuation of the topic of religion, the next speaker was Kazken Gulzhan, a 1st year student of the magistracy of the Karaganda Technical University named after. Abylkas Saginov. She spoke about the values of modern Islamic civilization.

Jangid Dev, the 2nd year student of the International Medical Faculty of the Karaganda Medical University, highlighted in his speech the importance of traditional values in the life of modern Indians, how important they are at the present time.

All participants of the event noted the high level, cognitive effect and applied significance of the seminar, which contributes to the increase of methodological, professional competence in the field of formation of value attitudes.

In conclusion, the results were summed up and practical recommendations were made that can be implemented on the basis of the Karaganda Medical University, as well as areas and opportunities for further cooperation, etc. were identified. Speakers of the event, moderators and participants of the seminar were awarded certificates.

Teachers of the Department of History of Kazakhstan

and Socio-political Disciplines of the Medical University of Karaganda



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