Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Seven Steps to Health

Seven Steps to Health

15 April 2014

Marathon «7 Steps to Health» under the motto «Your Longevity - in your hands!» started since March 12, the eve of World Health Day in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Various activities undertaken under the auspices of this marathon are designed to teach Kazakhs take responsibility for their health. The 1step was carried out in the Schools of Family Planning, schools of preparation for childbirth and Schools for young mothers.

Within the 2nd step series of lectures about the benefits of breastfeeding, immunization  in maternity, perinatal centers, pediatric wards of hospitals and clinics were held; training workshops with parents were conducted in kindergartens to promote healthy lifestyle.

The 3rd  stage of the national marathon was held under the motto " Healthy adolescents and young people", within the frame of the marathon World Health Day was held in  multidisciplinary Humanitarian-Technical College World Health Day, on April 7. Various activities were carried out among college students aimed at promoting healthy active lifestyle.  Students of 402 CMB group - Ivanova Vera and Vasyura Irina take active participation in the conference. Vera Ivanova presented the presentation of the "Impact of parental alcoholism on children's health". Vasyura Irina gave a presentation "Family Planning". Presentations of our students caused great interest and relevance of the performance.

 Ivanova V. 402 CMB group

Medical College KSMU



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