Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Workshop on diagnosing measles in children

Workshop on diagnosing measles in children

28 March 2023

According to the Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, there is an outbreak of measles in the near abroad.

In this regard, in order to prevent the growth of infant and child mortality, to ensure the provision of timely medical care to children, the Health Departments of regions, cities of republican significance, the capital have been instructed to:

1) Conduct daily monitoring of measles incidence among children, with an analysis of the incidence of complications, critical conditions and adverse outcomes;

2) Universities, in accordance with their areas of responsibility, in cooperation with health departments to organize training for medical workers on both outpatient and inpatient care (training, seminars, round tables, etc.) on the diagnosis and treatment of measles in children.

In this regard, groups of speakers were formed from the teaching and professorial staff of NCJSC “Karaganda Medical University” to conduct a field seminar in the assigned regions on "measles as a manageable infection: diagnostic algorithm and management tactics for sick children.

Employees of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Phthisiology of NCJSC "KMU" actively work at the clinical base of the infectious diseases center of the Design Bureau, provide active assistance to medical workers. Each employee of the department is assigned as a consultant in the supervised departments of the clinic.

Employee of the department in the face of associated professor, phD, E. S. Zhunusov is the head of the infectious disease center of Regional Hospital, chief freelance adult infectiologist Karaganda region, and Ph.D., associated professor H. G. Devdariani - chief freelance children infectiologist of Karaganda region. The Karaganda Medical University provides the necessary assistance to practical healthcare not only in Karaganda region, but also in the sponsored regions.

On behalf of the Vice-Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan V. Dudnik, NCJSC "KMU" represented by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Clinical Work E. M. Turgunov organized a seminar in Karaganda and an exit seminar in Kostanay for specialists of primary care and hospitals.

The seminar was held by the staff of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Phthisiology of NCJSC "KMU" in Karaganda, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences - R. Kh. Begaidarova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Doctor of PhD, Head of the Infectious Diseases Center of the Regional Clinical Hospital - E. S. Zhunusov.

The field seminar was held by the staff of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Phthisiology of NCJSC "KMU" in Kostanay, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences - R. Kh. Begaidarova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Doctor of PhD, head of the infectious center Design Bureau - E. S. Zhunusov

For colleagues from the Ulytau region and the city of Zhezkazgan, the seminar was held online by an employee of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Phthisiology of NCJSC "KMU", PhD, associate professor - chief freelance pediatric infectious disease specialist H. G. Devdariani.

The purpose and objective of the seminar was to form a system of competencies for specialists on theoretical foundations and practical skills for working with patients.

More than 60 medical workers from Karaganda and Karaganda region, more than 120 students from the city of Kostanay and more than 90 students from the Ulytau region, the city of Zhezkazgan took part in the seminar in Karaganda.

“Measles is a controlled infection: diagnostic algorithm and tactics for managing sick children” were covered by MD, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Phthisiology of Karaganda Medical University R. Kh. Begaidarova(Karaganda, Kostanay).

In adults, complications of measles, complications of pregnancy caused by measles infection and treatment tactics were reviewed by associate professor, doctor PhD, head of the infectious center - E.S. Zhunusov (Karaganda, Kostanay).

The lecturers covered the main issues related to this topic, as well as cases of observation from practice, during the examination and consultation of patients with measles in children and adults in the infectious center of Karaganda.

In the KSE "Kostanay Regional Children's Hospital" Professor Begaidarova R.Kh. consultations were held for 9 children with various infectious diseases in the infectious and diagnostic departments, and a diagnostic search was carried out with an unspecified diagnosis of 2 children. The professor gave recommendations on the necessary additional laboratory tests and further tactics of treating patients.

An interview was given to a television correspondent in Kostanay on the epidemiological situation of measles in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is associated with an increase in the incidence, recommendations for the control and prevention of measles.

The goal of providing medical care at all stages was the following:

1. At the outpatient level, ambulance - early detection of clinical manifestations of diseases, timely sorting, home treatment and hospitalization according to indications.

2. Stationary level (infectious department) - early start of treatment (anticipatory nature) in order to prevent the progression of the disease and the development of complications. Monitoring of comorbid diseases.

3. Stationary level (ICU) - intensive care, resuscitation therapy, in order to prevent an unfavorable outcome.

An effective method of preventing the disease is vaccination against measles, which must be carried out in young children.

Further improvement of the epidemiological situation requires health education of the population in the field of primary prevention, which is based on vaccinations.

Preventive measures will reduce the costs of the health care system for the treatment of complicated cases of the disease.

To do this, the population is advised to avoid crowded places, poorly ventilated rooms, wear a mask, and observe personal hygiene.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Phthisiology R. Kh. Begaidarova



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