Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Prize-winning places in the International Pharmaceutical Olympiad «PharmOlymp 2023»

Prize-winning places in the International Pharmaceutical Olympiad «PharmOlymp 2023»

13 March 2023

A students of the School of Pharmacy of NCJSC "KMU"took prize-winning places in the International Pharmaceutical Olympiad «PharmOlymp 2023», dedicated to the 20thAnniversary of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky (Saratov, RF), which was held from 10 to 21 February 2023.

The Olympiad was organized in four stages:

1. "Video presentation of the teams";

2. "Online test" (team participation);

3. "Pharmacological blitz tournament" (team participation);

4. "Solving situational tasks" (individual participation) on disciplines: analytical chemistry, microbiology, organic chemistry, pharmacy management and economics, pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical botany, pharmaceutical technology, pharmaceutical chemistry.

The competition was attended by 31 team, each representing 8 students of pharmaceutical specialties of medical universities from 4 countries (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan)

Three teams of students from the School of Pharmacy successfully represented our country and the university:

- "Pharmacognosy" team:  Alimbek A., Bazarbai Sh., Shemyakina K., Sultanova M., Hasenov G., Zhanat O., Sartbasova A., Bolatbek A. Curator of the team: candidate of pharmacy, associate professor of the School of Pharmacy Murzalieva G.;

- "Pharm-visor" team:  Boronov A., Nikitina V., Kuanysheva A., Alimbatyrov M., Hummel T., Kalinina P., Kabdyljamitova K., Lisiutina V. Curator of the team: master of pharmacy, assistant professor of the School of Pharmacy Orazbayeva P.;

- "GreenPharm" team: Arymbekov A., Bolpanova J., Elubaeva M., Esimova T., Kulbaeva M., Koikenova J., Raushan A., Taupykova D. Curator of the team: master of pharmacy, teacher of School of Pharmacy Tulebaev E.

Diploma of the I degree was awarded to Zhanat Oralgan from the team "Pharmacognosy" for the individual solving situational tasks in the discipline "Pharmaceutical botany".

Diploma of the III degree was awarded to the team "GreenPharm" pharmacological blitz tournament, the passage of which depended on the speed of the correct answers of students to questions.

All participants received certificates. The SSMU administration and organizers of the Olympiad would like to express their gratitude to the Rector of NCJSC "KMU", Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Anar Turmuhambetova, the supervisors of all three teams for the excellent preparation of the student teams, promoting the development of the Olympics students also expressed their readiness for further international cooperation! 



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