Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The Ministry of Science and Higher Education summed up the results of the contest «The best scientist» 2022

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education summed up the results of the contest «The best scientist» 2022

10 January 2023

50 winners were selected as a result of the competition – researchers from scientific research institutes and universities of Kazakhstan, contributed to the development of domestic science. In addition, among them, Associated Professor of Public Health School NCJSC «MUK» Omarova Alua. She won the award of the best scientist of the RK!

In general, 468 scientists participated in the competition. Each will receive a certificate and award of 2,000 MSI.

 Omarova Alua, she graduated with honors the Karaganda State Medical University in specialty «5B110200-Public Health» in 2012.

Omarova А., her teaching and research work successfully combining with work in the position of Associate Professor, School of Public Health NCJSC «MUK». She conducts practical classes and lectures in Kazakh, Russian and English at bachelor, master and doctoral level, carry out awareness-raising activities, participates in public events of school and university. From September 2021 to May 2022, was the scientific head of the master’s thesis in specialty «7М10121- Preventive Medicine».

In addition, Omarova Аlua for several years performed a social load as responsible for the Scientific Student Club of the Department and Secretary of the Scientific and Expert Council of the NCJSC «МUK». Currently Deputy Chairman of the Ethics Commission on the evaluation of scientific research of the NCJSC «MUK», Board Member of the School of Public Health of the NCJSC «MUK» and Contact person with the European Association of Public Health Schools (ASPHER).

Accept our warmest and sincere congratulations, dear Alua Oralovna!



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