Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


27 April 2022

Every year, the World Book and Copyright Day is celebrated around the world on April 23, and on the eve of this holiday, on April 22, the Library and Publishing center, together with the Youth work department and the Next Generation volunteer organization, held an action in support of reading «Biblionoch-2022». 

The opening of the action began with a speech by the Vice-rector for Academic Affairs Viktor Riklefs. He noted that this is the third time such a large-scale event has been held at our university, and the action has become a good tradition of our university.

The creative part of the event continued with a festive concert, in which participants of student creative associations of the university demonstrated their talents: the folk ensemble of oriental dances «Қаракөз », the dance theater «Golden Step», the author's and poetic club «Жыр Жауһар» and the youth health center «Жұлдыз ».

The program of the action «Biblionoch-2022» was very rich and informative. In the classrooms of the university: The presidential race «All or nothing» (Insight Discussion Club), the game What? Where? When? (Samruk, SSGC) and the intellectual platform of the MetTalk (KazMSA). Each participant could choose an activity according to their interests.

The Library and Publishing Center also presented a diverse program of competitions and exhibitions. These are the «Kunstkamera» a review of rare publications from a rare fund, and the «Bibliofresh» - novelties of medical literature received by the library. Many people wanted to participate in the «Pentathlon-Library» competition. The participants visited librarians, bookbinders, and doctors. The competition consisted of seven tasks, which all teams successfully completed.

With great interest, our students took part in an exciting quest called «Virus». The participants had to find a deadly virus and neutralize it in order to save humanity. In the dark labyrinths, they met with a Mad Scientist, a Ghost, and Sauron from Middle-earth. The participants passed tests, solved puzzles and riddles. They demonstrated their intelligence, ingenuity, ingenuity and erudition.

The final program of the library and publishing center was the intellectual game «Erudite Tournament», in which two teams competed for knowledge of the history of medicine. The participants successfully answered almost all the questions of the tournament. The 2nd year students were especially active: Seitova Z., Kazbekov B., Ayaganov A., Kayralapova K., Yeraly T., Kaztayeva K., Meshetbayev E.

All participants and winners of the competitions received diplomas and letters of thanks, as well as other prizes. «Biblionoch-2022» was fun and interesting. Guests and participants received many bright unforgettable impressions.



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