Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Time to take stock

Time to take stock

11 June 2020

During the session, interns of the specialty "General Medicine" took an exam in the elective discipline "Patient-centered care." During the state of emergency and isolation, both training and exam were remote. And for clinical discipline, this could look like a formality - interns did not work, did not go to practice, stayed at home, studied remotely. However, the Department of Medical Psychology and Communication Skills did not let to get bored - the students had to demonstrate in a short video with any simulated patient the skills to solve the health problems and psychosocial problems of their patients from clinical experience.The patient-centered approach is an actual direction for improving medical care for the population, based on focusing the attention of the doctor not only on the problem of his physical health, but also on the psychological aspects of understanding, experiencing the disease, understanding and participation of the patient in the plans for diagnosis and treatment, rehabilitation, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, all stages of recovery. So, in the “doctor-patient” relationship, sometimes it is difficult in current healthcare, an alliance must be formed - this is the country's Ministry of Health, as well as other world health systems, give priority.The department teaches this discipline for the third year, being an actual pioneer - the leadership of only our university included this discipline in the university component; there are no analogues to this discipline throughout the CIS. Teaching methods are being improved, a diverse bank of clinical tasks is being formed, and in this academic year they do not require the student to be in the clinic, but they are simulated, which is beneficial in the current quarantine circumstances. The main thing is that the student can test their clinical treatment skills with the emphasis of bringing them to the attention of the patient, creating the aforementioned alliance, the motivation for the patient to recover. It is often when students say to teachers that “their consciousness turned upside down” - they suddenly realized that it was important not only to know how to treat, it was important to convey this correctly to any patient and take him as a colleague. It is often difficult for students to shoot videos with themselves as a doctor - the teachers of the department are picky about the wrong intonations, awkward and incomprehensible medical phrases are forced to polish the skills of effective communication. The most difficult patients for a student are the teachers, who create complex clinical and life situations, but they take them from real life. And, having suffered in the classroom, six-year students say the following: “In the process of training, highly qualified specialists of the department, giving us theoretical knowledge, taught us to communicate with each patient on a clinical basis. Complete mastery of communicative skills is invaluable, in my opinion (Seytenova Diana 6 year course “General Medicine”). “This is the most interesting course for me "Patient-centered care."  ... To be honest, I did not think that this was not one of the important directions. But you convinced me ... to achieve the result from the patient is a very important aspect” (Kasenov Salman, 6 year course “General Medicine”).



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