Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Professor from Spain - in Histology department

Professor from Spain - in Histology department

24 June 2019

Professor of the University of Cadiz (Spain), José Maria Lopez-Sepero, was in the  JSC MUK as part of a strategic partnership from May 27 to May 31, 2019.

  During this period, the professor visited the department of Morphology and Physiology, where he met with the faculty and discussed the curriculum.

  José Maria López-Sépero gave a lecture on the topic: "Image Analysis with Open Source Software." After the lecture, during the coffee break, he told about the history of the development of morphology in Spain, modern medical education at the University of Cadiz.

  The second lecture was on the topic: "Strategies and protocols for quantitative image analysis." He told and clearly showed the capabilities of ImageJ [FIJI] software, which allows taking measurements on histological specimens. At the request of the department staff, the professor held a practical session where he revealed the principles of working with this software.

   In addition to the lectures, methodological practical courses were held: “Special rapid methods of surgical histopathology”, “Obtaining and staging mouse embryos”, “Glycolmethacrylate embedding for semithin sections”, “Microtomy of semitin  sections”, “Microtomy of frozen and cryostatic sections”. Some of the material was known to us, for example, we are familiar with the method of obtaining embryos, obtaining and working with frozen and cryostat sections. However, a lot of information was new and useful for us.

  Employees of the Department of Morphology and Physiology (Histology unit) for the first time worked in direct contact with a histology teacher in a higher school abroad and could compare the level of research here and abroad. Much of what the professor said, we know. For example, the technique of silver impregnation has been used in our department for decades. However, it was interesting to get acquainted with the general modern methods of material processing, the use of immunofluorescence, electron microscopy, the formulation of new provisions, for example, on the development of mitochondria, which were used in the articles of the professor.

  Our employees and students partially learned new information on the use of ImageJ software [FIJI].

  We assume that our department can use this software for image analysis on microscopic specimens. This can be used in scientific works of students and staff of the department.

  Professor José Maria Lopez-Sepero left a pleasant impression of himself at the department, as it was available for widespread communication: he spoke Russian, was not only a scientist with deep knowledge and experience, but also a cheerful, emotional and friendly person.

Professor of the Department

Morphology and Physiology

(Histology unit)  Zhanaydarova  G.U.



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