Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Independent assessment of the graduates' knowledge and skills

Independent assessment of the graduates' knowledge and skills

21 June 2019

On the Center of Practical Skills of the NJSC “Karaganda Medical University”, from June 20, the 2nd stage of independent assessment of interns in the Dentistry started. Independent assessment will last until June 27, 2019 for the "Therapy", "Pediatrics", "Surgery", "Obstetrics and Gynecology" and "General Medical Practice" interns and with cover of 786 interns. Practical skills assessment is carried out using an Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) with foloow stations: 4 stations in emergency  and 1 station for communication skills.

Second stage of the exam is held with the participation of observers National  Centre for Independent Examination (NCIE) and members of the State Evaluation Commission.

The good  pass results of the interns will serve as the basis for obtaining a specialist certificate.

Good luck to all graduates!

G.S. Kemelova, Director of CPS

S.T. Tuleutaeva, Head of the Dentistry Department 



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