Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Teaching experience at the department of infectious diseases in TashPMI.

Teaching experience at the department of infectious diseases in TashPMI.

14 May 2019

 As part of the program on academic mobility, Associate Professor of the Department of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases of the Medical University of Karaganda, Timchenko Natalia Alexandrovna visited the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute.

The exchange of experience in teaching and organizing the educational process during the implementation of active methods with a linear system of training turned out to be quite useful for both parties. Together with colleagues from the Department of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases, a number of lectures were given to 5th year students of TashPMI:

1) Problem "Brucellosis"lecture

2) A binary lecture "Typho-paratyphoid diseases" (together with the head of the department of epidemiology and infectious diseases - Kasymov I.A.)

3) A lecture-consultation with pre-planned errors “HIV-AIDS” was prepared jointly with the associate professors of the department: Shoislamova G.S. and Shodzhalilova M.S.

All practical exercises were conducted using TBL methods (Viral hepatitis B, C, D, Viral hepatitis A; Shigellosis. Amebiasis), CBL (Food toxicoinfections. Botulism), RBL (Typhoid-paratyphoid diseases).

 Students were surveyed after giving lectures and conducting practical exercises in order to identify the positive and negative aspects of active learning. As a result of the survey a positive feedback was received.

Assistants of the department took an active part in the preparation and conducting the practical classes: Abdullaeva U.U, Khairullina A.K., head teacher of the department Sharapova G.М.

During the practical classes, special attention was paid to differential diagnostics, clinical and laboratory indicators, communication skills, teamwork skills, and the application of theoretical knowledge in practice.

In addition, at present, TashPMI is preparing for the transition to a credit system of training and the experience of MUK staff has been quite useful. The department discussed the differences and details of credit training: the model of IWSTS, IWS; features of practical classes, forms of implementation and control.

For a pleasant and fruitful cooperation, I want to express my gratitude to the departments of International Cooperation of Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute and MUK, the Department of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases of the host country, Head of the Department Ilkhom Asomovich Kasymov, and all the staff of his department for a warm friendly welcome.



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