Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Academic mobility in the international Kazakh-Turkish University named after Ahmed Jasawi

Academic mobility in the international Kazakh-Turkish University named after Ahmed Jasawi

20 December 2018

Within the frame-work of academic mobility we, professors S.K. Zhaugasheva and D.Z. Tayzhanova visited the Ahmed Jasawi University. The University impressed us with the usefulness  of the complex of educational, scientific, sport, household constructions and other objects. The University has 7 faculties and 3 research institutes, but our attention was given to the faculty of Medicine.

Students  study according to  a module system. In order to improve practical skills, students work with dummies in teaching and clinical center, they acquire knowledge on the online lessons, which are conducted by foreign lecturers; they participate in master classes, which are  organized in Clinical Diagnostic Center of University.

As part of the academic mobility students have the opportunity to spend 1-2 semesters at educational institutions, and teachers –in clinics of Turkey. The most successful graduates can go on  receive trainings or  get a job on a quota or grant, provided by the Turkish side.

The faculty has a biochemical laboratory, chemical laboratory of System Programming, computer programming lab, laboratory of programming languages and databases.

We liked the training of students in the clinical training center, which is equipped according  to “leges artis”. In addition there are elements of novelty in the work of the library, which we shared with the director of our university M.H. Mananbaeva.

In conclusion, we   want to  express our gratitude to the dean of the medical faculty the doctor of medical sciences  professor I.S. Moldaliev, to all the  colleagues for the warm and friendly welcome, for the opportunity to gain new experience.

S.K. Zhaugasheva  the doctor of medical sciences and 

professor of the  department of clinical pharmacology

and evidence-based medicine   

D.Z. Tayzhanova  the doctor of medical sciences and

professor the  head  of the department  of Internal  disease  № 1   



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