Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Practice in Vitebsk State Medical University named after the Order of Friendship of Nations.

Practice in Vitebsk State Medical University named after the Order of Friendship of Nations.

10 July 2018

The 3rd year students within the framework of academic mobility completed the practice of "Assistant to the hospital doctor" in Vitebsk State Medical University named after the Order of Friendship of Nations.

A bit about the university...

The Vitebsk State Medical Institute established by the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR on  1st November in  1934 as a medical college with a total  250 of people  in all courses.

The structure of the university: 7 faculties, 63 departments, a research laboratory, a research department, an information center, a library, an editorial and publishing polygraphic center.The University has a botanical garden, a training and production pharmacy, which is used to train pharmacists. The inside of university works Clinic VSMU, Clinic of stomatological faculty, 2 pharmacies, Control and analytical laboratory.The university was awarded the Honorary State Flag of the Republic of Belarus for special merits in the social and cultural sphere, a great contribution to the development of the healthcare system, provision of medical, provisional and scientific personnel, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the country.

The practice was conducted on the basis of the Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital. From the first day, from the first minute, we were surrounded by a good-natured attitude.

Together with the doctors of the departments, we conducted a primary examination, appointed a plan for examinations, treatment, diagnosed. Later, we supervised the patients more autonomously, under the supervision of the managers. For us it was an unforgettable experience. It's one thing when you go into the room with a doctor and watch his actions, write down notes for yourself, but very different feelings when you go to the patient yourself. There are so many thoughts and questions in the head. But the loudest one is the thought: "If only the patient would contact." And you know, there were no problems with this. Almost all the patients went to the meeting, no one turned away from us, on the contrary were glad to our arrival. And this motivated us even more.

Alexandra Kim and Ainur Mukusheva, are still impressed by the head of the department of cardiology- Olga PetrovnaChupakhina. Having come to the office, we were confused, but she quickly sent us on the right way. With her, we supervised patients, diagnosed. And she first listened to our opinions, and then she said how right or wrong we think. Thanks to this, we got the first experience in diagnosis, and she introduced us to the wonderful department - X-ray surgery department of endovascular surgery. This is an incredible department. Within 36 hours we saw and learned so much that we could not even dream. Of course, we did not immediately understand what was happening in this department, but those who work here told us about all the subtleties of this direction. We got so much knowledge, experience and a whole ocean of positive emotions, we wanted to stay in this department forever. For all this we say many thanks: A.P.Kutko, G.V.Leonovich, A.V.Sinkevich, S.L.Dovgiy, I.E.Pushkov, A.A.Tretyakov, S.A.Narchuk, M.V.Rudakovskiy, S.P.Klimovich, M.S.Lyubko.

Raushan Abubakirova, Aigerim Doszhanova:”We passed practice in the maxillofacial surgery. During the practice we participated in the morning round with the head of the department Olevsky M.V., and also assisted in such operations as removal of the tumor of the parotid salivary gland, cysts, epilus on the gum and many others.

Before the beginning of each operation the surgeon  explained in detail the entire course of work and answered all our questions.

All the staff of the department showed a very friendly and deep respect for us. I would like to whole-heartedly thank M.V.Olevsky, T.A.Torosyan, I.A.Pyshnyak, T.I.Chebotareva for the invaluable experience that they shared with us.”

  Dana Ibadullayeva: When distributing us to the departments, without even thinking I chose the department of thoracic purulent surgery, because when I hadn’t thought about the career of a doctor, I read books about this section and was interested in operations on the lungs. And I wasn’t mistaken with the choice, everything that I read before only in books I saw in this department.
To see the pleural empyema with my own eyes for me was incredible view.
I was delighted with the doctors of this department: they are virtuosic surgeons and very cheerful people. They considered it their duty to explain, to show us everything that happened on the operating table, and most importantly, it was important for them that we understood all this. I express my great gratitude to
N.M.Kondersky, Yu.S.Podolinsky, A.I.Yankovsky.

If you, dear students, have an opportunity to visit VSMU within the academic mobility, take this opportunity!

We express our gratitude to the management of KSMU, the rector of R.S.Dosmagambetova and also to the International Department for the opportunity to visit the Republic of Belarus and acquire invaluable experience.

Sincerely, 3rd year students of the Faculty of  General Medicine and Dentistry.



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